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Mel Rudolph

179 Posts
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Hello Everyone!
9/2/2006 1:01:23 AM

Hello Everyone!
Well our move to the South Island has been called off. So I'm back online and trying to keep up with the many emails I have received from many of you, to help me with my marketing or to join forums or become a friend. And I want to thankyou all so much.
We are still moving at a later date and if any of you feel I am ignoring you, please don't, I just have a lot to do and less time on the PC. But I will be checking my emails frequently.
You know, even though I haven't made any money yet, I'm just enjoying reading emails and visiting everyone's homepages. I can learn a lot just by doing that. Then maybe when I do have a lot more time on the PC, I'll be making SOMETHING :)
Hey, you guys have a great one. And remember...Live long and prosper!

Many many many regards,
Mel R :)

Mel R:) "Don't walk through this world alone"
Jerilyn Merideth

1618 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Hello Everyone!
10/28/2006 10:47:56 PM

OK Mel,

My question was answered! lol

Take Care,


Jerilyn Merideth "Cutest Critter Photo Contest" now through April 30, 2011. "The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals" ~ Anonymous"