
Distributors Wanted
9/1/2006 1:39:41 PM

We need distributors to show our catalogs, take orders and earn 40 % commission on all sales.

Kits cost $25 and complete with everything needed to get started, a supply of catalogs, big four manual, 30 day action plan, order blanks and etc. Our main catalog has 379 pages and thousands of products.

To order your kit send $25 , check or money order


Larry Mahlberg,

1500 Main Street,Suite # 8,

Springfield,Oregon 97477

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Distributors Wanted
9/1/2006 1:56:00 PM
Hi Larry, how's it going?  I think you'll get some action here for your business, lots of people are good at selling products offline.  Selling real stuff online can be a big pain but "stuff" is better in real life when people can hold it and get a good look at it!  If anyone likes to do house parties or has lots of friends or works in a busy office, reply to Larry about this!
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