
Midhlaj Shakoor

11 Posts
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Advertise your business here...and get the results you wanted.
7/7/2006 9:54:20 PM
Well, are you interested in receiving a lifetime Income & Traffic for just $37.00?
Great...then read on.
It's a great privilege to introduce this great program here.
This is an absolute Stunner, You bet it. It is the one of a kind and it gives amazing results.
It's completely a new concept auto-surf. Like the traditional auto-surfs you don't have to buy higher upgrade units here, nor you don't have to assign credits everyday to receive traffic to your site. You just pay a one time fee and that is it.
Let us see, what this program offers.
Since May 16th, 2006, 1392 members have joined this program and it's getting bigger n bigger each day. WHY?
Because this is a Genuine Program, run by an experienced online marketing campaigner.
It offers you a life time Income & Traffic, upon a onetime payment of $37.00.
Let us see how this works.
It all depends on what you need, Income or Traffic? You can have both.
Basically you play KENO here. You choose 20 numbers and surf 6 websites while your results are shown. As an upgraded member you can earn 1 credit for each page views. You can surf up to 250 sites a day.
As an upgraded member you can exchange these credits for cash. ($2.00/1000 credits). If you earn 300 credits a day,(i.e., 250 pages viewed and keno winnings), you can earn 1000 credits every 4th day. So you can cash it.
If you have down lines under you, you earn 10% of their earnings everyday. I had a friend who earns up to 1600 credits a day. Plus if you are lucky and got all the numbers correct, I had been told that I could win up to $1500.00, who knows? It could be you!!
Now let's look at the traffic thing.
In normal auto surf you need to assign credits every day, in order to get traffic to your web site. But with KENO HITS, it is SET & FORGET.
Yes!! For 100 credits, you can add one URL and it will run there for life, you don't have to look at it again.
As a pro member you can add and edit as much as you want (each will be charged one time 100 credits). Free members can add only one URL.
And the best thing is that, people actually views the site, since it is engaging people's mind by playing keno. So people will know what you are offering, so your chances of getting sales / sign ups are much much higher than that of traditional autosurf / traffic exchange programs.
This is the best thing I loved at KENO HITS. You earn $18.00 when some one under you upgrades their account to PRO. I already had 6 upgrades, LOL and having 11 under me to get upgraded.
This one accepts all major payment processors - paypal, e-gold, alertpay, 2CO
So What Do You Think Of This Now...Exciting??
Dont Miss Out This One, This Is A Great Opportunity.
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