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Why is VIBE Superior?
5/24/2006 3:59:42 PM
[b]Why is VIBE™ a Superior Supplement? ©[/b] Those of us searching for the best quality in nutritional products can often be confused by the constant stream of “new” and more “exciting” health drinks and supplements which all claim to be the next panacea in nutritional healing. But determining a superior product depends on technology and multiple key factors (not single or limited “miracle” ingredients). Those who have experienced first-hand VIBE’s life-changing benefits can attest to its unparalleled potency, but those who haven’t may often ask “why should I take this supplement over any other supplements that claim to be good? Yet, rarely will they have the resources or the patience to sit down and research the matter out for themselves. Therefore, I took it upon myself to compose a straight-and-to-the-point summary divulging exactly why Eniva’s VIBE nutraceutical is so important for our everyday health. [b]What is VIBE™?[/b] The Eniva VIBE is a Liquid ALL-IN-ONE nutraceutical supplement now being recognized as an unprecedented advancement in anti-aging science with the most efficient nutrient delivery system and highest certified antioxidant potency to be found anywhere in the world, rendering most other supplements obsolete. [b]What makes VIBE™ so different and better than all other nutritional supplements?[/b] #1. VIBE’s nutrients and minerals are delivered to your body in the only one form that our cells were designed to properly recognize and optimally use. This means that they are: •Water-Soluble - in perfect aqueous solution to be transported through the blood stream and into the cell •Ionized - properly charged, to be recognized and received by the cell •Pure – in their elemental state, uncontaminated and of appropriately small molecular size for complete cellular assimilation. If any one of these three essential requirements is not met, the cell cannot make efficient use of the nutrition. #2. VIBE’s unsurpassed Solutomic™ delivery technology is made possible by a highly technical, proprietary process that allows elemental mineral ions to exist in perfect polar and ionic/water-soluble form. The result is nutrients that are certified 99.9% pure, wholly bio-available and virtually completely assimilated into every cell of the body in minutes. In fact, VIBE is directly absorbed like water, bypassing the digestive process. This can be better appreciated when understanding that the level of purity plays a critical role in how nutrients in general are received and accepted on a cellular level. This means that the minerals and vitamins in VIBE are not only put back into the water-soluble state that nature intended, but in a form that is more nutritionally efficient and superior than what can be obtained by whole foods which are exposed to contaminants and pollution, if not pesticides. Significant also, is the fact that Earth Summit Statistics (1992 report) have shown soils to be more than 85% micronutrient depleted, which means that whole foods can no longer supply the proper amount of nutrition required. #3. VIBE’s high-level purity is gained by the use of “OHMTM” water, or ultra-pure USP 23 grade water as the solvent for the uncontaminated crystalline water-soluble nutrients which are rendered to their smallest possible molecular size. The water molecules are then enhanced using Eniva’s additional proprietary technology called Negative Field Activation™ to structure and change certain physical qualities of their already ultra-pure water, rendering their OHMTM water even more pure yet, with a lower surface tension (meaning the water becomes more fluid, or “wetter”) to optimize a more complete assimilation. The water becomes alkalizing due to the propensity to pull oxygen into the cell. The exceptionally high electrical resistance allows the minerals in solution to be ionized more fully and transported into the body’s cells more efficiently. The more pure the water, the more effectively it can hold the proper ionic charge. #4. The raw materials (minerals, vitamins, botanicals, fruits and vegetables) found in VIBE are processed in Eniva’s Class 10,000 (ultra-clean) research and development laboratory and Class 10,000 manufacturing facility to ensure 99.9% purity of each and every component found in every one of its nutritional supplements. This means that VIBE is made in the same conditions and hygiene where heart pace-makers and computer chips are manufactured. #5. VIBE holds the highest certified Antioxidant rating (ORAC, or, Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of any liquid nutritional supplement listed in the PDR for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements. VIBE is not only a foundational nutritional supplement, but it is the first liquid product able to provide FOUR potent and exclusive anti-aging blends in an ALL-IN-ONE formulation. This distinct synergistic blend includes: •SoluMAX™ - Immune Health •AntiOX2™ - Anti-Aging •HeartMAX™ - Cardiovascular •CollaMAX™ - Cellular Health #6. VIBE is free of any stimulants, toxicity or contamination, including heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, caffeine, microbial contamination, plastics, waxes, resins, artificial or hydrogenated ingredients, chalk, binders, fillers, unnatural preservatives, excitotoxins, trans fats, animal products (such as meat or dairy), genetically modified ingredients, and petrochemicals. Furthermore, nothing is pasteurized or irradiated. #7. The technology incorporated in VIBE also means that its nutrients are within correct ratios and scientific balance. Eniva devotes a tremendous amount of research and development effort to its products. Ironically, the science of correct nutrient ratios and interactions is often overlooked by most nutritional manufacturers. At Eniva, the laws of chemistry and body balance have been respected. No ingredient is sourced, or technical process explored unless it is grounded in qualified, scientific principles. Volumes of research documents, clinical studies, and test results are reviewed by Eniva's R&D Team as new technologies are explored. VIBE truly incorporates the best of both science and nature. [b]Conclusion[/b] The end result of the technology used in VIBE is an ALL-IN-ONE liquid supplement unmatched in bioavailability, purity, and antioxidant value with a breakthrough assimilation technology that allows angstrom-sized, elemental nutrients to achieve cellular efficiency within seconds! Now you know why so many doctors and nutritionists are recommending VIBE to their patients. Eniva Corporation offers VIBE as the benchmark by which other nutritional liquid supplements are measured. Truly not another excuse to have a company with a tasty fruit-juice attached to it. This is real nutrition, with real science, yielding real results! It doesn’t matter if it’s Noni, Goji, Xango, a plant derived from land or sea, or some other exotic berry sitting under the moon on a seashore. No single food or nutrient is capable of supplying a daily complete regimen of all the essential vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants that the body requires to function optimally. Your body needs the full-spectrum nutrition found in VIBE. It’s no wonder everything else is just “juice”. As you experience the health generating results of VIBE and the Eniva Product Line, it is natural to share your experience with friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Many times the results are so dramatic that others just notice the beneficial changes, or your excitement motivates others to want to regain and improve their health. Eniva created a marketing plan specifically designed to enable people to just use the products and receive wholesale pricing. As others that you have influenced start using the VIBE and other Eniva products, your process is duplicated, and many find that a business begins to build naturally. With a generous compensation plan, Eniva has made it realistically possible with minimal effort to have your products paid for, and even earn significant additional income. Whatever the outcome financially, your true wealth is your health. With it, everything else matters. Without it, nothing else matters. So pursue health and wellness with enthusiasm and diligence, share the message and the experience, and take wellness to this world! Have a healthful and vibrant day! [i]Credits for making this article possible: Dr. James Said (ND, DC), Chadwick & Marcos Schroeckenthaler, Eniva Resources[/i] ********************************** Chadwick Schroeckenthaler Cell: (715) 617-VIBE (8423) Home: (715 479-4596) OR: (715) 477-2047 My Websites: [url][/url] [url][/url] ***********************************

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