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Mary Hofstetter

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Adlandpro Community Cookbook---BREAD
5/9/2006 5:23:33 PM
Hot quick breads in their many delightful forms help tell the story of civilization. Here we offer recipes of warm and delicious smells drifting from the oven. Many have told me it was a given that upon arising in the morning, biscuts or muffins were stirred and lovingly baked. So here are breads quickly stirred, baked and served or breads treated with lots of tender loving care, left to rise several times and then baked fresh to the families delights.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Adlandpro Community Cookbook---BREAD/Noodles/dumplings
5/9/2006 6:18:07 PM

We were very poor when I was a child and many times my mother only had cornmeal, eggs and milk with which to prepare a meal for 8 people. Years later, I commented to my mother the fond memories I had of warm cornbread with sugar and milk. She laughed and stated "you did not realize but that was all we had. Remember the story of Heidi and her grandfather in the Alps. They had bread, cheese, and milk for a meal. Try a piece of real bread and see how satisfying it is.


1 cup oats

 1 c.up milk

 scalded 2 T sugar

1 pkg. yeast

1 t. shortening

 1/4 cup warm water

 1 t. salt

2 1/2 cups flour

Mix oats & shortening, salt; pour milk over them. When lukewarm, add yeast softened in water. Add flour; knead until no longer sticks to fingers. Shape into rolls or bread. Let rise til double. Bake 400 20 min for rolls 375 40-45 min for loaf

Re: Adlandpro Community Cookbook---BREAD
6/26/2006 10:29:26 AM
This is a very traditional recipe that has been handed down from other to daughter. Sweet Easter Braided Bread Ingredients: 5 pound All purpose flour 10 whole eggs 1 drinking glass of milk 1 bar of sweet butter 5 envelopes of yeast 3 glasses of milk 1 teaspoon extract 1 teaspoon mastic 1 teaspoon mahlepi 1 glass of corn oil Instructions: One night before you warm up one glass of milk and then in a bowl you mix the glass of milk with the 5 envelopes of yeast and then a little flour you will form a leaven. You leave overnight and the following day : In a big mixing bowl you put 8 eggs, 2 glasses of warm milk then slowly as you mix , the remaining ingredients , you leave the butter for last. When this is done you mix the leaven and slowly as you knead you put flour( as much as it takes) Make sure the dough isn’t too dry . As you knead you should have a plate with corn oil, dip your hands in and knead( this makes the kneading a lot easier). You should knead for about 10 minutes. After you complete the kneading you leave in the bowl for about 3 hours or until it rises . Then when it rises you take the dough out of the bowl and you cut balls (about the size of your palms put together and you roll them out. For one Bread you will need 3 balls and you role them out into a rope style and then you braid. At the top of the braid you place a red egg. You slowly pick it up and place it in a greased pan. You beat an egg and with a brush you wipe the top of the bread and finally you bake at low heat when golden brown they are ready. The dough should make anywhere from 7 to 9 breads depending on size. ENJOY THEY ARE DELICIOUS ESPECIALLY WITH COFFEE !!!!!!
Re :Adlandpro Community Cookbook---BREAD
7/8/2006 2:35:24 PM
Hi Mary, here is a recipe our son learned at school and practised at home. Chocolate Chip Muffins Dry Ingredients 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1/2 cup white sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup chocolate chips Wet Ingredients 1 cup milk 1/3 cup melted butter 1 egg one to two teaspoon peppermint flavoring Mix the dry ingredients together. Combine the wet ingredients in another bowl then mix in with the dry. Put in muffin tin and bake at 350 for 15 minutes. Yields 9 muffins Enjoy the chocolate and peppermint Builder99
Re: Adlandpro Community Cookbook---BREAD
11/20/2006 8:14:49 PM

Cornbread by Sara


  Cups cornmeal

¼   Cup sugar

½   Cup flour

2    Eggs

2    Tbls. Cooking oil

1-2 Tbls. Baking Powder

1   Cup Buttermilk

Salt to taste


Preheat oven to 425º, put the oil into pan you are cooking in and place in oven while you are mixing all dry ingredients.  When they are mixed good, add ½ cup of buttermilk and before mixing that in, remove hot pan from oven and pour some of the hot oil onto buttermilk in mixing bowl; beat eggs with remaining milk and add to the mixing bowl and stir until all is mixed good.  If you need a little more milk or water just add now.  Do not stir to much, just mix good and pour into hot pan.   Place in heated over and cook for about 10-12 minutes.  It depends on the size of pan.  I use a round iron deep fry skillet, 9-12” sz. 


(Some pointers I use:  I rarely buy buttermilk, so I use a cup of regular milk and mix 2 tbls. Of white vinegar to it and let stand a few minutes.  Also, I use plain flour and plain cornmeal, so if you use self-rising, you will need to decrease amount of baking soda, probably 1 instead of 2.)  Hope it works for you our folks seem to like it real well.


I tried for years to make biscuits like my Mama but failed, however, I did learn to make cornbread that folks seem to like and I wanted to share it with you.
