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Eileen H

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Update on Gang email!!
5/3/2006 9:46:20 PM
Hi everyone, I would like to appologize for the email that slipped thru about the Gang Initiations. I had check out Scambusters and did not see it their. This was sent to me by a very trusted source. My source was wrong! I would like to Thank Cheri and Leon for bringing this to my attention and the Updated information. Please Go to : for furthur information on this urban ledgened. Sorry for any inconvienance this may have caused. Eileen
Re: Update on Gang email!!
5/3/2006 10:20:52 PM
Hi Eileen, There's really no need to apologize for anything. There actually is cases of this same thing happening all over the country even today. In the 12 years I was driving trucks, we were constantly reminded of this, especially if we were going into some of the major citys such as New York City or any of it's 5 boroughs; Detroit; and Chicago. There are always one gang or another that tries the same thing , sometimes with a little twist, but it is a danger to watch out for. An Urban ledgend it is not. The best course of action you can do is just base your decision on the particular area you are in. If you're in doubt, just don't flash your lites. Thanks for the e-mail tho. It's always good to be reminded. your friend, Steven
Steven G. Reid Wallaby Traffic CMU7 WTC W
Eileen H

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Re: Update on Gang email!!
5/3/2006 10:41:19 PM
Thank You Steven, It is always nice to hear everyones experiances with this sort of incidence. I can see why major cities would be a problem. Thanks for your reply, Eileen
Michael Rogers

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Re: Update on Gang email!!
5/3/2006 11:29:20 PM
Hello Eileen, Thank you for the warning. No need to apologize my friend ! Better safe than sorry. Don't know if your source was wrong or not, you never know when your out there on the road. Would advise NOT to flash your lights anyway ! Wouldn't want to push or take any chance with this issue. Again..Better safe than sorry ! Thanks Eileen, have a great evening respectfully,
Re: Update on Gang email!!
5/3/2006 11:49:43 PM
Hi Eileen, _HIT Happens !! You werent to know I'm sure it's happened to most of us at least once.Just goes to show how much you care :) Thanks Leanne Busby