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Read the fine print
4/1/2006 6:37:27 PM
As I have said in several other posts and in my signature line I am not a fan of MLM's. Not to say if the right one came along I would not join in. It is in that spirt I made this new thread. Lets hear from all you veterns out there about the problems/concerns you have seen or experienced with an MLM. I will start with one: A 22 point list of do's and don't in 6 point fine print (I had to get out a magnifying glass to read them)the last one being that this had to be the only venture you were invloved with or your comissions might not get paid.
Re: Read the fine print
4/2/2006 6:44:46 PM
Hi David; We have a rather hot thread about MLM here; I think you'll find LOTS of problems, concerns, experiences and a whole lot of opinions there. I like to say that old threads aren't dead - they're sleeping. Feel welcome to wake that one up. When someone (ie; you/me/anyone) posts to an old thread, it gets brought back to page one again. There might be a few more new folks that missed it and might have some opinions on the topic of MLM. : ) Linda
Re: Read the fine print
4/2/2006 6:48:56 PM
Thanks Linda. I did look at many of the messages in that thread. It seems to have really run off course as a MLM topic. So maybe this new thread is in order. If not everyone can just ignore it and it can die a natural (or un natural) death.