
Don Evans

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The Gift That Keeps On Giving! - The Easy & Fun Way To Earn Big Money!
9/17/2020 5:13:07 PM
First, Some Background Information

The Smartz Funding Network is a DIRECT MAIL program that launched about 3 months ago. I was one of the first few members in and have done well with it by mailing out a one page letter along with a postcard. However, most of the people I have sponsored have not done well at all. I have been getting a little bit better than the 1% response rate which is considered to be the minimum response rate needed to support a direct mail program. However, that is certainly not true in this case. If you want to make some real money, you need a LOW COST way for members to find and recruit new members and a lot of people simply cannot afford to do it through the mail.

Problem Solved!

With that in mind, I have come up with a new one page letter. One that you can use as a handout in your area and not ever have to talk to anyone or mail anything! Just roll them up so that catchy heading can been seen, wrap a rubber band around them and drop them off around town. A good way to do that is put them on car doors. It costs about $75 to put 100 letters in the mail. You can put out 100 of these letters for about $15. That is about as low cost as you can get. With a 1% response rate, you can do extremely well with this. NOTE: And of course if you can strike up a conversation with someone every now and then along the way, and then give them the letter, you will do even better.

Corona Virus Relief Fund

Crowd funding websites like "Go Fund Me" have proven that asking for financial help is perfectly legal. These websites have raised billions of dollars for individuals requesting financial assistance. This is our “offline" Person to Person adaptation of an “online” Go Fund Me project. AND, we invite YOU to join us. We have two affordable, “progressive participation options” Starting for as little as $10 so that anyone can afford to participate.

1. VIP Participation. To get signed up, you and all new members are REQUIRED to make a ONE TIME gift of $10,00, $20.00 or $35.00 to their sponsor. That will qualify YOU to receive VIP gifts from members you personally sponsor ... up to the dollar amount at which you are participating. If you choose to participate at a lower dollar amount, you can upgrade to any one of the higher dollar amounts at any time.

2. Monthly Participation. Our monthly gift program is OPTIONAL and costs $10.00, $20.00 or $30.00 a month to participate. This qualifies you to also receive monthly gifts from those you personally sponsor ... up to the dollar amount at which you are participating. AND as above, if you choose to participate at a lower amount, you can upgrade to any one of the higher dollar amounts at any time. You cannot sign up for that now. You can do that later if you decide you want to after you get your Welcome package from the company which includes complete detailed information about how the program works.

How Do You Get Signed Up?

Neatly PRINT your NAME and MAIL ADDRESS on the right side of this page. Then to the right of that, print the VIP Gift Amount you want to start with, either $10, $20, or $35 and mail this page to the company along with cash, check or money order for that amount. Make check or money order payable to SMARTZ. Mail to:
Smartz - P.O. Box 971618 - El Paso, TX 79997

You can do this do this through the mail or with a handout like I am doing here. Mailing lists for people who have expressed an interest in working from home are available from the company.

My name is ____________________________ My ID# is _____________________

NOTE: One of our most successful team members wrote this letter for our team to use. I will send you a master copy of it after you get signed up and you can use it too AND this is something that will continue long after we have defeated this Virus. I encourage you to get signed up now and I will look forward to welcoming you as a new member.

How To Sign Up From AdlandPro.

Neatly PRINT your NAME and MAIL ADDRESS on a piece of paper. Then right below that, print the VIP Gift Amount you want to start with, either $10, $20, or $35. Below that, print my name and ID# That is Don Evans 10027. Then mail that to the company along with cash, check or money order for that amount. Make check or money order payable to SMARTZ. Mail to:
Smartz - P.O. Box 971618 - El Paso, TX 79997

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