
Are you on the 40-40-40 plan?
3/10/2006 6:48:21 PM
Monavie and Monavie Active health drinks are the unique creation by Monarch Health Sciences that contain 19 berries from the four corners of the world. The Active formula has Glucosamine for increased flexability and Acetyl fatty acids to help maintain healthy joints. The acai berry has been consumed by tribal warriors for centuries in Brazil as a staple food, as a natural aphrodisiac, as well as to help increase energy, strength and vitality. It has only recently been studied in the US. Dr. Nicholas Perricone, author of the Perricone Promise, has named the acai berry the world's superfruit. There is no other fruit in the US that compares to the 610 ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) value of this fruit. Maria Ramirez, a well-known financial forecaster, has predicted Monavie will be a dominating force in the million dollar health beverage industry in the years to come. Please visit my website for more information: . My email is, cell (803) 238-3846. To hear testimonials: click the link "Listen to amazing results" the password is better health More testimonials are at Top pay is generated weekly for distributors, giving people the opportunity to work from home PART-TIME with it's new generation binary, some earning $20,000-$30,000/wk, that's not a typo, per week! Do you know what the 40-40-40 plan is? Most Americans are on it, 40 hours a week, working for 40 years for a $40 dollar watch! Step outside of the box and control your own income and success... and help someone you love in the process. Start today to change your life..
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