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Jason Graham

12 Posts
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Just paid out $1.2 million dollars on first pay run
2/26/2006 2:13:28 PM
Hi Guys were a 9 week old company that has the net on fire and we just paid out over $1.2 million dollars on our first pay run, do you want to be part of it ? the hottest form of advertising ever to appear on the net cheers jason
Re: Just paid out $1.2 million dollars on first pay run
2/26/2006 2:28:45 PM
Jason, What exactly is the pixel thing before I looked at the page and I have seen it before. I just want to know a little bit more about it before I pay for something that i don't know what I am getting into. Please feel free to check out my website thanks Samantha
Jason Graham

12 Posts
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Re: Just paid out $1.2 million dollars on first pay run
2/26/2006 3:01:10 PM
Hi samantha ye sure, pixmeup is advertising, your buying a pixel box which is 10 x 10 which is 100 pixels, the box whatever size you decide to get links directly to your own webpage. but aswell as getting an add for your website or company you also become an affiliate for pixmeup for which you can now start genarating huge incomes from the people you sign up, you only have to sign up 1 person to be intitled to be enterd into the company matrix but of course if you sign up more you'l earn more. for each box you buy you get 2 business centre's, 1 gold and 1 silver, the gold is the ones that the company will give you, i'e people that sign up after you and can get put into your downline as spillover. and the other 1 is silver, silver is all your own personaly sponserd people that you sign up and all of them will go into the company matrix also. aswell as your gold and your silver you get an extra 20% on all your personal sponserd people + you get an extra 5% on all your downlines downline so you could earn a fantastic income but it's add space that your buying. have a listen to this as this will explain it all a bit better and if you need anything more answerd then let me no, cheers jason
Re: Just paid out $1.2 million dollars on first pay run
2/26/2006 4:42:42 PM
oh wow that sounds great...Thanks for explaining to me what it is. your friend samantha
Jason Graham

12 Posts
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Re: Just paid out $1.2 million dollars on first pay run
2/26/2006 4:49:26 PM
Were now the No1 pixel site on the net, noone can beet us, in 9 weeks we've sold over 11 million pixels which is just crazy stuff.and it's just getting bigger and bigger every day. over 400 people are signing up everyday and by the end of the year it's recond will be over 3 or 4 million people involved in this if it continues at the rate it's going now, and there's nothing to suggest it wont be. it's on fire right now so this is an amazing time to get in on it, if you just want an add then that's cool, but if you want to make some good money then get in on it, you'd be crazy to miss out on it. if i can help in any other way let me no, cheers jason

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