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John Priestley

481 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Site troubles?
1/14/2018 11:43:20 AM
HI there!

Was the site down for you too from 3rd Jan. through 12th Jan. or was it just me?

Best regards and hoping to hear from you soon, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
RE: Site troubles?
1/19/2018 12:31:51 PM
HI there!

Was the site down for you too from 3rd Jan. through 12th Jan. or was it just me?

Best regards and hoping to hear from you soon, John.

Yes, Bogdan did post on Homepage, after community came back online ... he posted that graphics need to be reloaded

My published mirror page is still missing graphics

... I did not check in for many days during the holidays for attending socials and helping my baby boy & wife pack for their move to Colorado ...

... on the 6th I posted a tweet to inform my online network

💕💕💕 I am elated Bogdan recovered 💕💕💕

John Priestley

481 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
RE: Site troubles?
1/19/2018 5:03:02 PM
Well, that is a relief. I thought my computer had gone on holiday (smile).

Thanks and regards, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...

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