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Liz Pimenta Bevacqua

7 Posts
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Duplication : How to Be Successful at Network Marketing
11/10/2017 12:50:21 PM
Do you know why so many people fail in network marketing? It's because they want to get rich fast. They go after everyone under the sun with a pitch. And when that fails, they claim it's the company's fault.

Unfortunately, many people aren't properly trained to have the necessary skills to actualy be successful in this industry. Not only that, to be duplicatable and teach their teams how to do the same. Why? Good question!

There are different personalities out there and they can be boiled down to 4 main types. You can find out more here. Most people you may see online who are very successful and are teaching others are usually RED personalities. The people who go after the money. It's fine to be that type, but reds aren't as common as people who sincerely want to help type and the super organised military type.

So what happns? The reds try to teach everyone else how they sell sell sell and most people fail. This strategy isn't the best way and isn't for everyone.

Network marketing is about relationships, not selling. People feel it when you treat them like a number. So talk to people. Be sincere. Build those relationships before going in for the close.

Also, be selective about who you want in your business. Not just regarding business partners, but customers too. Find people who truly want what you're selling and who will keep coming back for more because they believe in it as much as you do.

"Life is just too short to waste all that effort." - Michael Dlouhy

Did you find value in this? Want to know more? Comment or contact me.

To Your Success!

Liz Pimenta
Skype: lizpimenta

A Mentor with a Servant’s Heart

Liz Pimenta
RE: Duplication : How to Be Successful at Network Marketing
11/10/2017 10:40:33 PM
Nice post!

RE: Duplication : How to Be Successful at Network Marketing
11/13/2017 9:46:36 AM
Hi mam nice line
Liz Pimenta Bevacqua

7 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: Duplication : How to Be Successful at Network Marketing
11/13/2017 1:54:49 PM
Thank you ;-)
Love the meme!! LOL
Liz Pimenta
RE: Duplication : How to Be Successful at Network Marketing
11/13/2017 4:18:17 PM
Thank you ;-)
Love the meme!! LOL

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