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Which would be better instead of a big content site.
2/18/2006 4:33:33 PM
I have my first blog on Blogger however for some reason my xml feed will not work. So I registered a new domain name yesterday and want to use it on a new blog elsewhere. My question is for those actively blogging. I like Wordpress because of the many themes that can be imported into it - there's the issue. Should I download Wordpress and upload it to a new host or just find a host that has Wordpress already installed? Ok, it's a two part question. Would you recommend using a blog site rather than a static site? I've read mixed reviews of using multiple blogs instead of static sites because they are easier to update the content and faster to build. Just thinking about alternatives to building another big, slow to go content site. Thanks for the feedback Kenneth.
Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching." -S.Paige
Re: Which would be better instead of a big content site.
2/18/2006 9:56:34 PM
Hello Dee, To address the hosting issue first. Most hosts have cPanel as a conrol panel of your account. It would most likely include Fantastico and within Fantastico They get you many programs to choose from. This is from my hosting package. Blogs b2evolution Nucleus pMachine Free WordPress These can be installed with a click of the mouse. You can use your domain name for the whole account or do an 'addon domain' if your host allows it and includes it as part of the hosting package. Then have your blog pathed to the 'addon domain' to use the domain name. As for a service, I will point out my service because we give you the flexability to customize your theme like wordpress, have RSS built in, pinging feature built in, friends list, email notify, custom comment settings, multuple catagory creation, post in text & html and more. Link below. We have looked at all the features people want and need and have them in place. Things to consider. Hosting and bandwidth cost. Will you be seeing enough traffic to need a large amount of bandwidth? Do you want to worry with this? How you will use your blog. Text, audio, video ... Ads, no ads, sponsor ads, reader's comments in text, audio? Future growth of blogs and the trends of the internet. Do you wish to be burdoned with having to take time to update the program when a new version comes out? The need to back up all your posts and comments so you don't lose them in the updating process? As for popularity it's easier and quicker when being part of a 'collective' than a stand alone unless you are an established, well known person or business. These are my opinions based on my experiences. I hope this helps you to coming to a final answer. Newest Release: Podcasting For Fun & Profit! Podcasting Teleprompter - Make Yourself Sound Like A Pro! FREE Niche Report AlertPay - A BETTER Alternative to PayPal Coming soon "Ads By The Squares" Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Copy this link to your RSS Reader:
Re: Which would be better instead of a big content site.
2/18/2006 10:58:22 PM
Thanks Kenneth. Nooo, I definitely don't want to give myself extra work. So, I'm looking at bizzyblogs. Now for your answer to the second part: Multiple blogs for my affiliate programs vs minisite links off my main blog? The only things on my blog will be links to my affiliate programs, hotsheet and mp3 downloads at some point and as the content portion of my membership site that won't be up until after the summer--too much to learn and do until then. In the meantime I'm looking at adding a subscriber form on my current blog. I'm keeping this as simple and automated as possible. Thanks again.
Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching." -S.Paige