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I Was Broken...
6/16/2017 3:47:30 AM
The Day My Life Changed Forever

In 1992 I was introduced to a new way, at least to me, to make mone working from home. I immediately understood the power of time multiplication, how to leverage your time. Network Marketing was not the powerhouse it is today. Very few people had the skills to make it work. I thought everyone would see and understand like I did it all seemed so simple an 10 year old could understand.

How could I have beem so foolish?

I stayed with my first MLM for 5 years and invested a lot of time and money. I went o nearly every event travelling hundreds of miles hotel rooms, trainng tapes and CDa going from one MLM to another always without success. I did come upon a company that had stellar products at a good price but something was rotten at the fish market.

The owner J.P. worked to sell the company and in less than 5 months it all fell apart. I had customers and signed my first two people and now I was devastated. I had to go through a lot of rejection to get those friends. so I went to another and another MLM. I reasoned that if I can just find the right cmpany with the right product with the right compensation plan I could make it work. I had found one that when I could not keep up with the monthly obligation they took my team and my cutomers and gave them to my upline and I could not get them back. it get's worse, but I won;t go into it.


I had decided I was going to go back to work, just get myself a job and slave the rest of my life away helping someone else build their dream while dening mine. I would have place my finacial future into the hands of a stranger until I died. Broke!

the rejection had taken it's toll. 20 years of being told, you are not working the system the system works your just dong it wrong. but I never got the help I needed. they said I be inbusiness for myself, but not by myself. my upline was always off helpeing the guys and gals who were making it (I found out it was nothing more than greed and ego. they waanted credit for helping the rising star and left those that were foundering to sink or swim on their own.) and i reasond that if the system works and it;s not happening the fault must be my own.

I felt like a failure I not only did I feel like I failed myself and most hurtful was the feelig I failed my wife Jackie and my children. there were nights I silently cried myself to sleep. I was in a lot of internal pain but I had hope. My desire to find the right company, compensation plan and product was not what I neede. What I need cam in the disguise. and ebook. I had read a lot of ebooks with all kinds of links to affilaite programs, lead sales and free traffic. It took me about two years before I dediced to read it. I felt it was going to n=be jusy like all the others I have read.

I read this ebook. I found myself weeping with joy and release, he weigh fell from my shoulders and I was ready to start over again. what could make a grown man weep. I was blaming the wrong person! The name of the ebook was "Success In 10 Steps" by my good friend and now personal mentor, Michael Dlouhy. I was givne an opportunity from him and he said some of the most wonderful words a MLM veteran/victim could ever hear. You are perfect just the way you are. Your lack of Success Is not your fault.You don't need to change a thng to have success in your life and business" Those loving words was like a soothig salve on my open MLM wounds.

If you can relate to this story, I would love to pass this ebook on to you. you may not weep like I did but you will know that you are finlly getting truthful accurate information that will give you a leg up in this industry. Before I go any further I want to say, they never aske c me fopr money, they never asked me to join thier opportuinty, they didnpromote any products they just promoted a ssytem od skills, information anf practical application of specialized knowledge in network marketing success.

for the first time I am making consecutive monthly income. I never had that before! they entire system is fit for anyone no matter whar your backgroud is you can have success. Yes I Iterate, Yes, YOU can have success.

I was drowing in a deep dark pit of self pity and the lowest self-esteem i've ever experienced. Net work Marketing had not been fun for me, but now I am having fun, meeting new friends and building relationships on my team and finding all the information I can gather to keep me moving foward to success. You could have all this and more.

Michael Dennis
A Humbled Certified Mentor with a servants heart

"You do not need to change a thing, 'YOU' are perfect just the way you are. Your Lack Of Success Is Not You Fault" Michael Dlouhy