
Devasish Gupta

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This Is How The Savviest Marketers Are Using Keyword Data To Drive Conversions..
3/28/2017 4:51:58 PM

This Is How The Savviest Marketers Are Using Keyword Data To Drive Conversions...

By the end of this powerful conversion tip, you are going to understand exactly the new way the savviest marketers are using keyword data to boost conversions (and it’s not what you think!)

There is a BIG difference between how novice and truly savvy marketers are using keyword data (as you’re about to discover).

Before we get to this very powerful conversion strategy which will change the way you think about writing everything from your main marketing message to your email subject lines…

Lets answer this question first: WHAT IS KEYWORD DATA?

When someone visits your website there is a whole bundle of information that is part of the conversion story. In the last CFly tip, I shared with you how one of those pieces of data is Geo-Tracking and how you need to be using Geo-Tracking to scale more intelligently.

(In case you missed it, YES, ConversionFly now offers Geo-Tracking. Right down to the zip code level!)

Another piece of key data that is part of your prospects conversion story (the kind of data you will only get with the “right” tracking solution…) is called “Keyword Data”.

If your prospect is searching the web before they found YOU, this tells you exactly WHAT they were searching for.

For example, lets say Daisy sells an herbal weight-loss supplement. Every day she gets 100 new organic visitors. But where are they coming from? Keyword data will let her see what they were looking for before they found her.

Lets say she uncovers the following from every 100 organic visitors

70 searching for “herbal fat burner”

25 searching or “herbal weight-loss supplement”

10 searching for “best fat burner”

5 searching for “weight-loss metabolic enhancer”

Now here is what the “novice” marketer will do with this information…

They will say to themselves,

“Ah-ha! There are a lot of people looking for ‘herbal fat burner’ who click on my site, I should advertise more frequently on this term on Adwords and PPC.”

and that’s not wrong!

However, it IS INCOMPLETE…

You see, a little more advanced marketer will also look to see how the conversion rates compare when someone visits the website from one search term vs. another.

Do people looking for “herbal fat burner” convert at a higher or lower rate than people who advertise on “weight-loss metabolic enhancer”?

Now THIS is where the savvy marketer steps in and steps up.

Listen close, part of crafting a highly compelling marketing message which converts like crazy is understanding how your prospect thinks about their problem. When they lay in bed at night - what is the problem they are thinking about? What are the words or terms they use to describe the solution they believe they need?

Keyword data is a window into their world.

Imagine Daisy’s business is your business. And you discover 70% of your organic visitors hitting your site were originally looking for “herbal fat burner” well then give them what they want!

You don’t need to re-invent the wheel (although you ought to be willing).

Simply adjusting your message to talk about “herbal fat burner” vs “herbal weight-loss” can generate a dramatic bump in conversions.

Not only is it more congruent with the previous mindset of your visitor (meaning what they were thinking about and clicked aligns with what you show them on the next page), you are talking about the problem and need the way your prospect is.

Yes, it would be great if we were all the world’s greatest copywriters. Most of us aren’t and never will be.

However, using keyword data like savvy marketers do will take your marketing messages and conversions to an all new level.

And the best part?

Yes, if you are following the regular ConversionFly tips, you know what’s coming…

I am excited to announced to you ConversionFly now reports Keyword Data to you!

This means in addition to having the world’s most innovative and powerful tracking solution to scale your business like crazy… you now also have Keyword Data in your arsenal.

If you are not tracking Keyword Data just think of what you are missing out on…

Your website language may be completely off the mark from how your visitors are searching for you, thinking about their problem and thus your conversion rates are suffering…

You are missing all that valuable Keyword Data which will allow you to craft your marketing message so it matches the mindset of your prospect and generates more leads and sales!

So what in the world are you waiting for?

Hop inside ConversionFly today.

Get the data and insights you need, now including keyword data, to scale your business with confidence.


Damian Lanfranchi

Co-Founder, ConversionFly

PS - Every day you do not have a proper tracking solution in place means you are losing leads, sales and profits.

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