
Devasish Gupta

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Razzle Dazzle George And The Diamond Epiphanies... Part 2
11/22/2016 3:51:20 PM

Razzle Dazzle George And The Diamond Epiphanies... Part 2

As a 21-year-old Ambot, I was spellbound George, the Diamond in my upline.

George made millions from his smile and dazzling improvisational presentations.

But even George's glittering personality wasn't enough to save his career when Amway imploded.

And the day I found George's scowling mug shot on the website of an insurance agency in Tulsa, I had two epiphanies.

The first was:

It's not about what you make while you play the game, it's what you've got left when the game's over.

And the second:

Thou shalt not drink thine own pink koolaid, nor shall anyone else.

See, George honestly believed that he possessed The Magic Formula.

He believed that through his magic he could speak the truth into existence.

In that world there was a tremendous emphasis on "positive thinking," "positive affirmations," "confessing the positive," "success visualization," all manner of methods of directing one's attention away from the reality of whatever is or is not working and towards the fantasy of Someday.

A lot of this was nothing more than financial masturbation, and it came in real handy any time the upline had to explain to someone why their business wasn't working.

It would go kind of like this:

"George, I'm really frustrated, I showed the plan 26 times last month and I only got $700 PV last month and my wife's upset because we're spending all our money on books and tapes and functions, can we go over all the things I'm doing and make sure I'm not doing something wrong..."

...and the answer would be something like, "Perry, just listen to yourself, what you're saying to me now. You're focusing so much on the negative, of course you're not attracting success. You need to confess the positive, you need to listen to more tapes, you need to drive more miles, you need to get your mojo up. Because I'm telling you Perry, you've got Diamond written all over you."

Which, translated, means:

"We're not going analyze any of this stuff you did or question the system because I already explained the system to you and the system fails not. If you follow the system I give you, you will be successful. If you're not successful it's your fault not mine."

In his heyday, George had more than 30,000 people in his downline, he was the toast of the town, the high-flying wizard with the 7 figure income, the 9.5 carat diamond ring and the waterfall in the foyer of his house.

Thousands of people hung on his every word, obeyed his every command, followed him to the promised land.

What came of it all?

Well.... Most of those people maxed out their credit cards and spent their kids' college education following the Yellow Brick Road.

And I'm going to say that out of those 30,000 people, no more than 30 were earning a real full time income from their efforts. Most of the rest were in the red.

If that many people have been burned in your wake, it wouldn't be all that much fun to sell insurance in Oklahoma, now would it?

If there's anything I got from that experience, it's this:

Perry, you know what it's like to be fleeced for years and to drink the pink koolaid, so you better be darned careful that people aren't drinking YOUR koolaid.

You'd better give 'em stuff that actually works. And don't make 'em think it works better than it actually does.

So how well DOES all this work?

First, understand that there's a fundamental difference between what I do and what George did.

In George's world, it was believed that everyone could do it, that everyone should do it, and that it was a failure- proof success formula. I teach none of those things.

In Planet Perry, we teach that everyone should do something unique.

In fact you should try to do something that nobody can do the way you do it.

In my world, there is no failure-proof success formula—only principles and tools. Most of them can be applied broadly to businesses of all kinds.

And in my world, there is no dogma that everybody can or should do any particular thing.

Google AdWords is not for everyone.

Direct marketing is not for everyone.

Sales it not for everyone.

But the beautiful thing is when people grab on to some of these tools, some of these principles, and find their groove, amazing things can and do happen.

In the last couple of years alone I have helped far more people make bona-fide, full-time incomes running online businesses—doing strange, interesting and varied things from auto parts to paintball—than George ever did.

I have students in Mastermind Club and Roundtable who make more money than George ever made, and they do it quietly.

Their next door neighbors probably don't even know what they do, and they're not out trying to make disciples and followers of some scheme that is made to look easier than it really is.

In George's world, everyone wanted to be like George.

But I don't want you to be like me.

I want you to be you.

I cannot and will not give you a USP. Nobody can do that for you, and anyone who says they can is picking your pocket.

If you succeed in being you, then you'll have succeeded at the one thing nobody else can take credit for.

And the example you set will inspire another to do the same.

Carpe Diem,

Perry Marshall

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