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... beyond the blame game
6/14/2016 5:29:47 AM

Good Shepard

RE: ... beyond the blame game
6/14/2016 5:33:29 AM
St. Anthony of Padua: Actions Speak Louder than Words

The Saints are examples to emulate as well as intercessors to assist us in responding to our own vocation. They are companions on the journey; men and women like us who responded to God's invitation to become like Jesus. They pray for us because we are joined with them in the eternal communion of love. They put legs on the Gospel, showing us what holiness looks like. However, if we stop there, we miss the mark. Missing the mark is the translation of the Hebrew word often translated sin in the Old Testament. We are called to become saints, by rejecting sin and living for Jesus Christ.
RE: ... beyond the blame game
6/14/2016 5:38:40 AM
Secret gospels of Christ?

To Catholics and other Christian believers, there are only four authentic gospels of Jesus Christ—those written by the evangelists Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. Almost everything we know about the life and teachings of Jesus comes from these four sources.

Even well-known historians who lived in the time of Jesus, such as Eusebius and Tacitus, hardly mentioned him in their writings. That’s rather strange, considering the numerous miracles Jesus was said to have performed during his public life.

Indeed there were, but these were systematically suppressed and destroyed by the emerging Orthodox Christian Church authorities. That’s why the Christian world never knew anything about them.


However, in 1945, an Arab peasant named Muhammad Ali al Samman discovered in Nag Hammadi, Upper Egypt, a big earthen jar which contained 13 papyrus books bound in leather—which turned out to be secret gospels of Jesus Christ that lay hidden there for about 1,600 years.

Read more:

“These Christians are now called Gnostics, from the Greek ‘gnosis,’ usually translated as ‘knowledge.’ As the Gnostics use the term, we could translate it as ‘insight,’ for gnosis involves an intuitive process of knowing oneself… To know oneself, at the deeper level, is simultaneously to know God.”
