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Lou Dobbs – The Horrible Three-Headed Monster Of The GOP Elite
6/4/2016 12:25:11 PM

Lou Dobbs – The Horrible Three-Headed Monster Of The GOP Elite

lou dobbs kristol

Lou Dobbs – It’s Horrific – Three Headed Monster Of The Republican Establishment

It’s a horrible thing, the three headed monster that Lou Dobbs says is “lurking within the GOP establishment.” It sounds downright disgusting from his description, a hybrid of Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Bill Kristol. He notes “none of them is particularly aggressive, at least publicly, they’re more passive aggressive. They’re how the party of no was first formed, in fact.”

Dobbs continues, “Trump today slammed Kristol as a loser in his new conference,” point to an interview with Sean Hannity in which he says Kristol is just trying to sell copies of his failing magazine. Trump asked, “Who would do it? Look, it’s a guaranteed loss, you can’t even get on in Texas now because they missed their deadline and now they’re missing other deadlines. And all he’s doing, I guess, is trying to get publicity for his failing magazine, I imagine.”

Dobbs points out the weak track record of Kristol when it comes to predicting political winners and losers, including the prediction that Hussein Obama would not defeat Hillary Clinton in a single Democrat primary in 2008 and a Romney victory in 2012.

Dobbs notes that Kristol’s boss, billionaire Philip Anshutz, who owns the Weekly Standard, generally tries to remain out of the spotlight, but he’s stepped into it with both feet on this one. He’s donated over $1 million to establishment GOP candidates this cycle but Dobbs can’t imagine Anshutz either permitting or dispatching Kristol on this fools’ errand.

In response to Trump’s comments about Kristol, he replied, “I’ve won some and I’ve lost some but one thing I’ve always tried not to be is a roaring jackass.” Dobbs adds, “In my opinion, Kristol has obviously failed in the latter regard and in recent years he’s been almost always been wrong in his choice of candidates and indeed public policies.”

Wrongheadedness,” says Dobbs, “doesn’t deter elites like Kristol, all uncomfortable with the democratic reality that votes do matter and that majorities and not special interests, not even really rich elite interests rule.”

Dobbs adds, “And they fear Trump mightily, precisely because he’s likely to make the establishment very uncomfortable for a very long time.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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