
Devasish Gupta

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How to Tap into Your Brain’s Inherent Genius to Achieve Financial Success... [Wi
11/8/2015 7:35:51 PM
How to Tap into Your Brain’s Inherent Genius to Achieve Financial Success... [Winning the Game of Money LIVE Brain-A-Thon Event]

Your brain – that three-pound hunk of matter located between your ears – is the most sophisticated, complex, and miraculous piece of equipment ever known to humankind. It controls everything you see, say, feel, and do.

With such a powerful tool at your disposal, isn’t it your responsibility to understand how it works and how to make it work optimally?

Here are some fundamentals:

First, it’s important to understand that you are nothing but energy.

If you took a high-powered microscope and looked at the smallest, most fundamental pieces of matter – not atoms, protons, and electrons, but the minuscule neutrons, gluons, quarks, and mesons that these subatomic particles are made of – you would see nothing but little bits of electromagnetic vibrating waves of light.

Those bits are what you’re made of, and your brain controls the vibration of every one of them.

Second, it’s important to know that your brain can grow new brain cells (or neurons) in a process called neurogenesis.

Not so long ago, scientists believed that people were hardwired or born with genetic predispositions and makeup. But now when someone says, “That’s just the way I am, this is the way I was born,” we know they’re only half right.

While genetic predisposition accounts for about half of your internal programming, the other fifty percent comes from behaviors, perceptions, beliefs, and habits you may have learned as far back as childhood and conditioned into your brain.

Here’s the good news: by understanding how your brain works, you can change your old conditioning and tap into your brain’s inherent genius to achieve your goals and dreams.

Click Here If you would like a short, 2 minute video about how to retrain your brain and overcome the beliefs that are hindering your success.

how to retrain your brain and overcome the beliefs that are hindering your success. Winning the Game of Money... 4th Annual LIVE Brain-A-Thon Event!

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