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Calling on the Blessings of the Ancestors
11/1/2015 1:22:46 PM

The Daily Prayer 11.01.2015

“Calling on the Blessings of the Ancestors

Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

There is One Life – One! This Life is Loving Source, Infinite, Source of All Life, and an Infinite Well of Infinite Blessing. This One Life recreates always in Its own image – Love, Happiness, Joy, Eternal Well-Being, Happy Blessing, and Holy Alliance. The One Life gives rise to all life and all life is contained in It. All form manifests from It and All Good is the pattern from which all is created.

I am created in the image and likeness of Loving Source. Every person that is my antecedent is also created in the image and likeness of Loving Source and so I know that everything that I am is brought through the eternal life of all people who came before me and all who are my descendants. I am that heart of life brought forward by life – prayed into this life by Spirit. I am the prayer being prayed over and over and over again every moment of my physical life and every moment thereafter. Like Loving Source, I live forever. As I know this for me, I know this for all of my family, whether they live in physical form or not, and for all people and their families who read this prayer whether they live in physical form or not. Life is life.

I affirm and declare that love rules my and every family no matter the appearance. Where there appears to be hurt or betrayal, forgiveness is the order of the day. Where turmoil and unrest have shown themselves, love and peace take over. My family surrounds itself in love and that love reverberates through everyone and moves in concentric circles from this present group into all members of my family who have passed and to those who are yet to come. All people are touched by the blessing of this prayer – every single one. I bless every person who reads this prayer and know that every family member is hosted by the same blessing. Love rules because there is no power greater than it. Love is love.

I am so grateful for my family; for my antecedents and for my descendants. I am grateful that my mother and father gave birth to me that I might know a life filled with grace, good, happiness, and prosperity. I am so happy that my experience of life gives rise to that experience in all people I meet. I am so grateful for this life and for the lives of all other people. What a blessing!

Knowing that my ancestors have blessed me and that I am blessed, I simply release my word back into the Law. It is done and it is good! ¡Y Así Es! Amen.

Rev. Martha Quintana is Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living

Sunday Services are held at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at 4374 Alexander Blvd. NE, Suite T, Albuquerque, NM 87107.

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