
Devasish Gupta

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Who Am I? Who Are We? What Does This All Mean? [Theory of Everything] Down the R
10/27/2015 3:07:26 PM
Who Am I? Who Are We? What Does This All Mean? [Theory of Everything] Down the Rabbit Hole with Ken Wilber...

How curious are you (Really)?

I woke up this morning in a really, well, curious mood. Does this ever happen to you?

Allowing myself to dive deep in this curiosity, I often drift into transcendent questions like ‘who am I’ and ‘who are we’ and ‘what does this all mean’?

Becoming ultimately inquisitive like this can sometimes be frightening because we realize how much we actually don’t know about existence. But when we fully release into the purity of the questions, and relax into the unknown, we sometimes find answers in the most unusual places.

And this is why I am writing you today.

I am writing you because I have found something extraordinarily unique and valuable and simple.

Many of you are already familiar with the work of legendary philosopher Ken Wilber.

Whether you know Ken or not I am requesting that you block off 75-minutes of your time, because he is running a online seminar that may very well change your life.

>> Take Me Down the Rabbit Hole with Ken Wilber:

Ken's work is often called ‘A theory of everything’, and there is good reason why so many influential leaders look to Ken for guidance (Tony Robbins, Bill Clinton, Marianne Williamson, and the Wachowski siblings to name a few).

Ken has discovered something over the last 30 years, and what you will learn is so incredibly shocking and simple (at the same time) that I can not wait to discuss it with you afterwards.

This free training by Ken is all about how you can gain a much larger view of your own existence AND how you can grow into your highest potentials. What you will gain on Tuesday is a greater understanding of the research-based operating system of how this whole thing we call ‘life’ actually works.

Ultimately Ken’s teaching provides you a suite of powerful and simple tools to explore YOUR inherent curiosity and how you can actively take greater control of your own destiny. I highly, highly recommend you sign up for this call:

>> Sign me up for Ken Wilber’s Free Seminar:

Oh yea, this is also about how we can change the world in a very real way. And not in some ‘new-agey’ way….but the real science of with change has ALWAYS happened in our world, and will inevitably happen with or without us.

You don’t want to miss this 75-minutes with Ken. And neither do I. I’ll be on the line, and I hope you’ll be there with me.

Best to you.

P.S. Ken did a version of this teaching earlier this year and over 50,000 people were blown away. It was so powerful that he decided to refine the teaching even more. Once you sign in for the training you will be directed to a page that shows over 3,000 comments about what this work truly means. Enjoy!

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