
Devasish Gupta

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Extraordinary Discovery about Your True Potential, Your Superhuman Potential...
10/26/2015 3:03:44 PM
Extraordinary Discovery about Your True Potential, Your Superhuman Potential... Researchers Claim!

You may have heard about a massive shift in consciousness that is occurring right now.There are so many people talking about this major transformation in one way or another...

But did you know that this shift in consciousness is grounded in scientific research and it has to do with you?

Have you ever had that sense that you are capable of much more than society has lead you to believe?

That you have, locked deep inside you, a vast array of untapped capacities, potentials and gifts, just waiting to be discovered, cultivated and fully expressed?

Have you ever had the intuition that humanity as a whole is destined to become more conscious, empowered and awake as a species.

Well, I am here to tell you that you are not alone…

Your Superhuman Potential with Ken Wilber-

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Over the last several decades developmental researchers from around of the globe began to notice a strange anomaly in adult human development.

At first many researchers brushed it off as a glitch, a mere statistical error.

However, as the evidence began to mount they soon realized that they had stumbled across something truly profound, and potentially one of the most important scientific discoveries in modern history.

Eventually, leading researchers in the field of human development, led by renowned research psychologist Dr. Clare Graves, could no longer deny what the evidence was showing…

We are now entering the single biggest evolutionary leap since our ancestors learned how to harness the power of fire.

Here’s the most amazing piece:

A small percentage of the human population, around 5%, is now experiencing this quantum leap to this emerging higher level of evolution.

These rare individuals from every corner of the globe are now blazing a new evolutionary trail for all of us, and breaking through to new levels of consciousness and capabilities beyond anything that human beings have ever experienced before.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing that the research has revealed about this evolutionary phenomenon is that YOU can actually accelerate your development to this new stage of evolution through a specific combination of practices and exercises.

This news is so amazing that we have to share:

We invite you join the world renowned author and Integral philosopher, Ken Wilber for a special world wide event where he'll share his life-changing insights about this new level of evolution now happening on our planet, and will give you the proven tools and practices that you can use right away to cultivate your own Superhuman Potential.

Your Superhuman Potential with Ken Wilber-

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During this Global Online Event You'll Discover:

* The 6 fundamental stages of human evolution and why they matter

* The newly emerging 7th stage of human evolution that is occurring in approximately 5% of the world’s population at this very moment

* Why this new stage of evolution is being called a “monumental leap” to a new “tier” of human consciousness

* The psychoactive tools you can use to catalyze your own process of evolution and begin to cultivate your own latent Superhuman potentials.

If you're inspired to learn how to unlock your higher potentials directly from Ken Wilber himself, then please join us for this transformative event.

To our highest potentials.

P.S. You can learn more and register for the complimentary training with Ken Wilber here:

Your Superhuman Potential with Ken Wilber-

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Can you REALLY Become Superhuman (and what it means)? Ken Wilber...

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