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How to use AllPepole Video Cutter to cut videos easily and quickly?
10/14/2015 3:04:36 AM
Tired of playing all kinds of ads in front of the video, in this case, video cutting software is commonly used to get rid of them. The simplest video cutting software, can reduce the big video file, and delete unwanted parts, such as advertising, ventilation tube and trailer. And other commonly used video cutter is a good way to deal with a variety of file formats, such as AVI, MPEG, MP4, WMV, 3 gp, H. 264 / mpeg-4 AVC, H. 264 / AVC PSP, MOV, ASF, AVI, such as ground, 3 gp video cutting software, etc.

Leave your favorite scene, and delete those you don't know. The simplest video cutting software can free choice by using the slider area. For you browse all clips will be displayed in the interface. And other commonly used video cutter is comfortable video cutting software of nondestructive video cutting, it is also quite fast.

More Software at AllPepole:

Step 1: Install and run the software

After installation, run the software. You can see the main interface as below.

Step 2: Add File

Click “Add File(s)” button on the toolbar or select “File> Add File(s)” on the main menu to load files.

Step 3: Cut videos

At first, choose the video file you want to cut. Then click “cut” button on the toolbar to select the "cut" part. Set the start & end point to get the partial segment and repeat the action to get several segments at will. After cutting, check the "Output path" option and merge the segments in the list into one file. And then click "To Video" button to save these segments.

Download AllPepole Video Cutter at App Store:


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