
Devasish Gupta

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Watch Your Words! They Could Sabotage Abundance... [Prosperity DNA]
10/13/2015 7:28:45 PM
Watch Your Words! They Could Sabotage Abundance... [Prosperity DNA]

Russian molecular biologists uncover stunning fact about human DNA...

If you’re not 100% satisfied with your financial situation right now...

Did you know it could be because the WORDS you speak daily are sabotaging your ‘Prosperity DNA’?

I know this sounds like something out of a science fiction story - but studies by Russian molecular biologists have proven it.

When you speak the right words, in the right way, your DNA rearranges itself for the better.

The traits that make you successful - like perseverance and self-confidence - become dramatically amplified...

While wealth-destroying habits like fear, procrastination and greed, disappear.

But when you speak the wrong words?

The opposite happens… and you’re robbed of the abundant experiences, adventures and successes you were born to savor.

This is just one of the many mind-bending truths you’ll find in Inc. 500 entrepreneur and ‘Reality Hacker’ Amish Shah’s new training video.

It’s about a powerful Prosperity Formula that wealthy people harness to draw abundance into their lives (and how ANYONE can do this too).

Is your own DNA quietly sabotaging your success & abundance?

This video shows you how to rearrange your Prosperity DNA...

The first part of the formula, as I’ve showed you, is words and sounds.

The second? You’ll never guess :-)

Can't believe how in the flow I am feeling these days. Once the block was removed, my energy has absolutely transformed. The question I have is this: How could I have transformed it before? I was doing the work as best I could, and feeling OK, but not like now. - Brandon Walters

I cannot even begin to explain the gratitude I have at this moment. Things in ALL areas of life are coming together to create my intentions. This journey has been one of laughs and tears....tears of gratitude. The gratitude just continues to grow. It's also been an enlightening journey of discovery. Thank you all, thank you!!!! - Carolyn Mcgregor Trinta

Discover the words that are coating your thoughts & actions with poverty instead of prosperity (and what you should replace them with)...

Watch the Prosperity Formula training video now:

(It’s a little long, but worth every second.)

P.S. Pass this video on to anyone with an open mind and a desire to expand their abundance.

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