
Devasish Gupta

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3 Ways to Dissolve Stuckness, Connect to Passion, Enjoy More Wealth, Success, Lo
10/6/2015 3:29:55 PM
3 Ways to Dissolve Stuckness, Connect to Passion, Enjoy More Wealth, Success, Love, Abundance...

Manifest ALL... NOT fragments.

Why is "the Secret" and manifesting what you want so "hit and miss"?

Sometimes it seems to work, sometimes not.

But why?

And why is it that superstars are able to attract avalanches of wealth and success so easily - while most people battle for years just to keep their heads above water?

The answer is so simple that most people NEVER see it.

Mega-stars (like Oprah for example) are manifesting from the Core of who they are - what we call their Core Energy.

In other words, ALL their energy is lined up and working together. They are not trying to manifest fragments of desires, or things they are not sure if they really want or not. They are manifesting what they TRULY desire as a UNIFIED whole, and that's why they are such a "force of nature".

That's why they attract masses of abundance (in every sense of the word) like a magnet. Because they are COMPLETELY allowing the energy that creates worlds to flow through them as a unified whole.

Makes sense?

Now here's the best news...

YOU too can learn how to align with your Core Energy and manifest all that you truly desire from that place.

How do you do this?

Meditation is key obviously.

Another secret is to learn to connect to your joy, your passion and your excitement in your life.

How do you do that?

That's exactly what I want to share with you today.

Trust me on this:

When you know how to connect to your passion, you not only enjoy a lot more wealth, success, love, abundance and fun, but you also see your entire life taking on a more vibrant color, richness, and value.

It's not just your bank account that is full, but also your soul.

The sense of struggle and having to push is gone.

Everything seems so much more worthwhile.

You're excited to share what you're doing with those you love and with the world!

You feel like you're a vital part of Life, contributing something special as only you can.

So, if you don't currently feel that sense of burning joy and excitement in your life, what can you do about it?

The first step is to learn to read your signs. As you go about your life, notice what sparks your interest and curiosity.

Begin to notice What excites and interests you.

If money were no object and you could do anything you wanted all day, what might that be?

What is important or fascinating to you?

What would you like to share with others?

If you've lost your feel for that, here's a simple thing you can do to get it back:

Buy yourself a little notebook - the kind you can stick in your pocket, pack, or purse - with a pen. Make it a habit for the next week to notice whatever catches your eye, anything that interests you - no matter how stupid or insignificant it may be. You can give your little book a title such as "What interests me."

Then, start getting in the habit of noticing what attracts your attention--especially if it is something that you would normally tell yourself to ignore. If it interests you, write it down, along with something that you like about it.

If you don't like writing, you can draw. If you don't like drawing, you can use the voice recording feature on your phone. Find your own way to make a note of what calls out to you.

Play around a bit and have fun. Treat this like a game.

In whatever way works for you, start to notice what sparks your interest and what you like about it. It could be a book title that jumps off the shelf at you, a phrase you overhear, a strange person who walks by, something an animal is doing, how the sky looks, a feeling in your body, a memory or inspiration that comes out of nowhere.

And by the way, be sure to check out our manifesting program.

Whatever your personal growth goals and interests, we have a Program here for you:

Meditations For Manifesting...

Pay attention to what interests and excites you. Suddenly life seems more fun and filled with adventure the more you do.

After a while, see if you notice recurring themes. Or, maybe you'll remember how you used to love something, but have since forgotten about it.

Whatever happens, I think you'll find yourself more clued in to your Core Energy and what makes you feel alive. Those signs of life, interest, and fascination are the clues to your deeper passion and purpose and the energy that creates worlds.

Enjoy your practice,

- Matt
The Mind-Body Training Company

 Whatever your personal growth goals and interests, we have a Program here for you: Meditations For Manifesting...

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