
Devasish Gupta

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[Conversations with God] How to End Confusion and Struggle in Your Life... Live
10/1/2015 3:47:50 PM
[Conversations with God] How to End Confusion and Struggle in Your Life... Live Online Event!

Special Seminar with Neale Donald Walsch, the author of Conversations with God...

End Your Struggles with Money, Relationships & Your Health...

Twenty years ago, Neale Donald Walsch was struggling—without a job, a home, or a relationship, and with bad health and no family support.

Already in his fifties, Neale wondered if it was too late for anything to be done.

So with nowhere else to turn, Neale started a conversation with God…

And God answered him.

Neale listened closely, and what he heard led him out of his desperate struggle and into a whole new life—one filled with ease, simplicity and joy.

For twenty years, Neale has been sharing the wisdom he’s heard with readers around the world through his Conversations with God book series.

It wasn’t too late for Neale—and it’s not too late for any of us.

Your life doesn’t have to be a struggle...

End Your Struggle Right Now and live a life of clarity and ease:

I’m writing to share a special opportunity for you to join Neale on this, the 20th anniversary of his first book, Conversations with God, so you can discover how to finally rekindle your own joy and get your life on track, the same way Neale did twenty years ago.

In celebration of this momentous occasion, Neale will be holding a free global online seminar.

Those who have attended Neale’s “The 3 Secrets to Ending the Struggle and Making Your Life Work” global gatherings have shared incredibly inspiring stories of how their whole lives have been transformed since the event, including their relationships and their overall levels of happiness and joy.

Discover the secret to a life without stress or struggle...

Attend the 20th Anniversary Seminar at No Charge:

Here are a few examples of what is possible for you when you join Neale for this soul-inspiring seminar:

“Prior to attending the ‘3 Secrets’ event, I was struggling with divorce, unemployment, and starting my life again from zero. I have now learned to take responsibility for myself and my actions, to understand Oneness, and see others with love. I understand that the purpose of my life is in how many lives I touch. I now know where happiness comes from–within!” —Helena, California

“I’ve started living my dream of having more finances and a healthy relationship. And now I have money saved in the bank and my basic needs are covered abundantly. I also have a more fulfilling relationship with my husband, because we are more loving, caring and respectful towards each other. I feel like I found my soulmate in him.” —Miertje, Suriname, South America

“I used to be afraid to forge ahead in any way. Now I’m a property owner and I hold down a full time job, whereas before I wasn’t even employed. My life has changed because I have a clearer mindset. I no longer put my personal spin on things. I had so many ‘aha’ moments!” —Shirley, New Zealand

Register Here to join Neale Donald Walsch and Experience This Life-Changing Event:

Again, there is no charge to attend this exclusive live online event.

This incredible event will show you how to radically change everything with a simple shift in the way you live and show up in your life every day.

There’s one key difference between those who spend their lives simply managing their suffering and those who thrive…

When you grasp this essential life-altering truth, you’ll wake up, look out your window, and see everything completely differently.

Millions of people have read Neale’s books, but only a relative few have heard him share the secrets he continues to discover on his inward and outward journeys.

By attending this powerful online seminar, you’ll experience a newfound understanding of a greater truth, which will enable you to live fearlessly, love unconditionally, and be matter what happens in your life.

Join Neale At No Charge Right Here and End Your Struggle Now:

To living a life of clarity and ease.

P.S. As long as you register for this event, you’ll be able to listen live and download the recording at your convenience afterwards, all at no charge!

[Conversations with God] How to End Confusion and Struggle in Your Life... Live Online Event!

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