
Devasish Gupta

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Circle of Traffic Strategy that leverage all of your promotional efforts into on
9/4/2015 3:55:36 PM
Circle of Traffic Strategy that leverage all of your promotional efforts into one huge traffic-getting machine...

I show you how to use my “Circle of Traffic” strategy to leverage all of your content and online promotional efforts into one huge traffic-getting and list building machine for your business, absolutely free. Highly recommended! -Jeff Johnson

I just decided that I'm going to hook you up with even more free cool stuff designed to help you get even more traffic, more leads and more customers for your business (online or offline business… it works great for both).

However, before I tell you about the cool free stuff I'm going to hook you up with…

I wanted to answer a few of the questions that have been popping up about the training videos on my blog (or about my training in general).

First, they want to know if they can use my strategies and techniques to sell Affiliate products instead of their own products and services.

The answer is that you can most definitely use my strategies to build an Affiliate Marketing business as well as sell your own products and services… or even better, you can do what I do and sell both.

In fact, in Video #3 at the 8 minute and 53 seconds mark there's an Affiliate Marketing case study that you may want to check out.

Although we set the test up 6 months ago and pretty much walked away from it… we made another 30 Affiliate sales from it last week alone… all on auto-pilot. How cool is that!

Another question we've been getting is "will your stuff work for ecommerce, or is it just for info-products?"

The answer is "yes, my students are crushing it with ecommerce using my techniques!"

In Video #1 (at 22 minutes and 30 seconds) I introduced you to a 25 year old college dropout that I was able to turn into a Traffic-Getting and List Building Super Ninja.

Now his consulting clients pay him several thousand dollars a month to handle their online marketing and SEO for them and his newest clients are almost exclusively ecommerce sites … and they think he's a freakin' ecommerce genius because their sales and leads have gone through the roof using just a few of the strategies I personally taught him, and I'm also willing to teach you.

One of his ecommerce clients he does work for just did over a hundred thousand dollars in a single day selling used computer equipment online.

And I personally sold $454,096.78 worth of ecommerce goods online in my first 96 days.

So although Traffic and Leads Training Academy™ is not an ecommerce training program per se… I know for a fact that you can use my
training and techniques for ecommerce, quite successfully.

Here's another common question "is your training for newbies?"

The answer is "we are very newbie friendly but this is definitely NOT a newbie training program."

We teach you how to grow your business using the very same traffic-getting and list building strategies and tools that we use every single day to grow our businesses and the businesses of our high-end consulting clients.

Yes, many of our strategies are advanced but we definitely lay them out in a very easy to understand, step-by-step fashion for you.

And we answer your questions in the "expert support" forums as part of your training so if you get stuck on a concept we are there to help.

So we try to make Traffic and Leads Training Academy™ as newbie friendly as possible, but it is NOT a newbie training program.

The final question I'd like to answer today is "will Traffic and Leads Training Academy™ be affordable enough for me to join?"

Traffic and Leads Training Academy is the most comprehensive step-by-step training program I have ever offered. Period.

And outside of my twenty five thousand dollar coaching clients…

Traffic and Leads Training Academy™ offers the greatest level of personal support we've ever offered.

So personally I feel it's not only affordable, I think it's an absolute bargain given the quality of the training and the level of personal support you'll receive once you're a member.

However, I realize it's the Holidays and everyone (including my wife) is currently spending substantially more money than they would during a normal month.

So I'm going to make it even more affordable than it already is...

Jeff Johnson

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