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Free MLM Training and Mentoring on Finding the Best Company
5/16/2015 2:55:54 PM
Will your MLM company be there for you in the long run? Are you willing to bet your long term financial stability, your kids college education and/or your retirement on your company? You can find advice on selecting the best company with the best comp plan in my Free ebook, Success in 10 Steps, which has no affiliate links or mentions of company names or products, just the truth about this industry from a highly successful veteran of over 30 years in the business.

Download the ebook and read Chapter 9, How to Evaluate An Opportunity.
John Priestley

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RE: Free MLM Training and Mentoring on Finding the Best Company
5/17/2015 7:56:46 AM
Hi Celeste,

It appears that you have got hold of the wrong end of the stick here. This is a forum for discussing opportunities that are free and not a marketing page for pet opportunities. If you look at some of the previous posting, you will see that 10-steps has featured quite a bit.

That said, how are you getting on? Are you mentoring many people? How many of the systems/products/services have you joined? Well, you joined here which I gather is still one of the recommended sites. How many others?

Thanks for your post and looking forward to hearing from you soon, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
RE: Free MLM Training and Mentoring on Finding the Best Company
5/17/2015 2:25:59 PM
Sorry my mind free mentoring is a free product...and it helps to let people know what kind of advice and info is available if they choose to participate. Evaluating the best opportunity for them is one of the many ways Mentoring for Free helps people. I"m sure you know there are many out there that are all hype with little of value to offer. Having guidelines to make a decision, regardless of the company would have saved me years of frustration as in retrospect I see that I made a lot of bad choices out of ignorance.

This is all I am promoting here...there is no pet opportunity anywhere to be found in the article nor was that my intention. Mentoring for Free is genuinely about helping others succeed and it is not only free it is life changing . Thanks for creating and maintaining this forum.
John Priestley

481 Posts
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RE: Free MLM Training and Mentoring on Finding the Best Company
5/20/2015 4:29:22 AM
Hi there! No need to be sorry. Just share with us how much time you spend on promoting your opportunity, how many people you are mentoring, how many services you use, etc. I will let the other members decide if you are promoting a product or service or just sharing your experiences with them.

Have a grand day, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...

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