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Prayer for Faith Sublime
2/27/2015 4:39:35 PM

The Daily Prayer 02.25.2015

“Prayer for Faith Sublime”

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Prayer for Faith Sublime - Nancy Bowers, RScP

There is no ambiguity in Spirit. It Knows. It is Certain for in Unity there is Clarity and in Clarity there is only Oneness. And within that Unity, the heartbeat of that Certainty is Love, only Love. Love as Peace, Love as Joy, Love as Trust, but always Love, for Love is All there is. God, the One Power, the One Absolute Source of Everything is that – Love.

And in recognizing this, I find myself. I find the truth of who I am, for within that Oneness, I am. I am one with Energy I call God. It is my Source. I draw from it, I call on it. I breathe and move and have my being in It. I am one with it. So I am clear. I am certain. I am anchored in love. The Love of God is my love. The Peace of God is my peace. The Joy of God is my joy. I have God’s trust, God’s faith, God’s Absolute Certainty. It is where my consciousness lies. I nestle into It. I allow it to support me. I allow myself to be cradled in the Love of the Divine where comfort surrounds me and gives me everything I need. And in this space, is also you – you who are comforted and supported and surrounded by Love, for what is truth of me, is equally true of you. Spirit has a place of comfort with your name on it. And I call you into that space now, knowing it is your home and that God has reserved it just for you.

And in this space, I speak my word you so that you might remember always what God has never doubted: the truth of who you are is love. It is oneness. It is this calm knowingness that no matter what is happening, God knows who you really are. I call you now to the remembrance of the name God knows you by. I affirm for you strong faith, clear trust and a space free of doubt. No matter others around you think, I know you have enough faith to carry not only yourself, but all those around you.

Appearances to the contrary cannot faze you, for you recognize they are but fear calling to be brought back to love. And you do that easily and effortlessly. Any time a situation arises that tempts you to forget the truth, you see the hurt child aching to be loved and you place that child back in the arms of Spirit, where the Source swaddles all that is unlike itself back to wholeness. Back in Truth’s arms, faith reigns supreme. Nothing can knock it off its center. And the old patterns, the ones that don’t know how beautiful you are, the ones that forget how powerful you are, fall away. Those old patterns can’t even figure out how they used to run their head games on you, for in love’s presence, they are healed.

And so it is easy for you to have faith. You always remember who you are. You always remember who everyone else is, for in God’s arms the certainty of Truth washes away all doubt, all jealousy, all fear or need to hold on. You allow, you trust, for you know that all is unfolding exactly as it should, exactly as it needs to. I affirm for you, faith always. Love enough for constant healing; ease that permeates all your actions and reactions. Love rules. Oneness rules.

And I grateful that this is so. I am grateful that you now remember with certainty what God has never doubted – that you are a good, good person. That you are loving, and giving and kind. That your calm certainty is a haven of love for all you come in contact with and in that space, ease flourishes, answers are apparent and love rules the day always, for it could never be otherwise. And for that I am so, so grateful.

And now, I release this prayer. You cannot lose your way, for God leads you. It is done as it was always so. And so it is.

Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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