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Ken Wolff

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Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
2/14/2015 5:42:26 PM

Hello to all my friends here in Adlandpro!

To start this off I want to thank
John Priestley
for creating this forum. There are so many
places where you can find free things online.
I can and will guide you to the ones that are working
for me.

My challenge should you decide to accept it is to connect with me on Skype. It is free. Just go to and click on join us. Once you are in Skype put ken.wolff1 in the search box and send me a friend request. We can get started right away.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
John Priestley

481 Posts
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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
2/14/2015 6:14:23 PM
Hi Ken,

Thank you for posting. How is MfF working for you? Has anyone else investigated this opportunity yet? Please contribute your experiences for us all to see.

Best regards, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
2/16/2015 7:53:23 AM
Hi John,John's profile

It is my pleasure to post in your Don't Spend a The MfF opportunity is just getting started as it was inspired by what you are doing here. I am excited about the possibilities and open to suggestions of people who come here to join. I did my first promotion of it this evening by inviting 5,000 of my randomly selected friends at TopTierTraffic, 912 of my downline members in WebBizInsider, and another 5,000 random at SplashPageSurfer.
Here is the message that we sent:

Hello TTT Friends,

Ken Wolff here with an unheard of offer.

I am an Internet Marketing Consultant
and just launched a service in the
Adlandpro "Don't Spend a Penny..." forum.

It is called "Mentoring For Free
2 My Friends In ALP!" You must first be
a member of Adlandpro.

Go to this URL to join:

See you in the forum.

Ken Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultant
The Soaring Eagle Team on Facebook
Facebook ID: ken.wolff1
Follow On Twitter
Twitter ID: KenWolff
Your past cannot be changed:
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Take your life in a whole new direction!
These 3 combination Traffic Exchanges and Mailers are owned by my friend Matthew Graves. They are free to join and you can get some great results without spending a penny. I however purchased a lifetime pro membership at the 1st one TTT.

Join WBI
This is already getting pretty long so I will try and keep my experience in Internet Marketing short. It may help to hear what some of my friends that I have worked with online have to say about me. You can find that in Hardin Monie's forum thread where said "May I ask who is Ken?." There is about 4 pages of post in that thread. I have been online since 2005.

Best regards, Ken

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
John Priestley

481 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
2/16/2015 4:37:45 PM
Hi Ken,

Please be careful about how you are using this forum. It is for discussing free business opportunities and not for advertising various services. There are plenty of other places for doing that.

So I understand that your main business in mentoring for free. Why not tell us a bit about it. Why is it so interesting for you and what might interest the other members of this forum?

Best regards and looking forward to hearing from you soon, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
2/17/2015 2:30:58 AM
Thanks John! I will be careful....and I will say also that I will admit that I can make mistakes. I was really trying to help and share what I do. I might be better to do that in my own forums. I want to thank you again for creating this forum. It was very inspirational. Wishing you the best with it. Keep in touch. Ken
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team