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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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America's most breathtaking abandoned churches
7/17/2014 12:51:39 AM

Abandoned churches

Caters News/Matthew ChristopherJuly 9, 2014 3:00 PM

Church of the Transfiguration, Philadelphia Pa. (Caters News/Matthew Christopher)

These are the stunning images of some of Americas most breathtaking churches - all of which are abandoned. Matthew Christopher travels around the United States taking shots of its most beautiful decaying wonders.

He shot those in his churches series in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he works as a photographer and lecturer. Matthew’s fascination with such abandoned spaces started when he was a child when he enjoyed looking at artwork set in buildings that have since decayed. (Caters News)

See more of Matthew's work on his website, Abandoned America.

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A photographer travels across the U.S. taking shots of its most beautiful decaying wonders.
See his work

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: America's most breathtaking abandoned churches
7/17/2014 12:57:05 AM

Abandoned churches

(here a selection)

Church of the Transfiguration, Philadelphia Pa. (Caters News/Matthew Christopher)

St. Bonaventure Roman Catholic Church, Philadelphia Pa. (Caters News/Matthew Christopher)

St. Boniface Church, Philadelphia Pa. (Caters News/Matthew Christopher)

St. Boniface Church, Philadelphia Pa. (Caters News/Matthew Christopher)

Church of the Transfiguration, Philadelphia Pa. (Caters News/Matthew Christopher)

Church of the Transfiguration, Philadelphia Pa. (Caters News/Matthew Christopher)

Church of the Transfiguration, Philadelphia Pa. (Caters News/Matthew Christopher)

St. Bonaventure Roman Catholic Church, Philadelphia Pa. (Caters News/Matthew Christopher)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: America's most breathtaking abandoned churches
7/20/2014 10:03:29 AM
This is so sad.
All of the love that went into designing and building these churches and the love that was felt by their congregations counted for nothing. A sign of Godless times.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: America's most breathtaking abandoned churches
7/21/2014 11:56:07 PM

Sad indeed, Roger. What happened for their congregations to abandon them in the first place? One of them, at least, was a Roman Catholic church (maybe more). Why did Rome not supported it when, for whatever reason, doing it became necessary? You picqued my curiosity and this is what I found: It was the 'Year of Hell' that befell on it and in general, on North Philadelphia. A summary here:

A corollary to the North Philadelphia Swath of Destruction, the Year of Hell refers to 1993, when most of those parishes were closed or consolidated. It’s a dark year, marking the Archdiocese’s final, grim declaration that many churches, and by connection their neighborhoods, were fruitless lost causes. A sad year for church enthusiasts everywhere..."

What happened?

The real question would be, what hasn’t happened? Fairhill’s story is, on the surface, not much different than other depressed parts of Philadelphia. Industrial neighborhood thrives. After WWII, industry moves away. Factories close. Property values plummet. Families move away. What’s left starts to rot. Play it again, Sam."


"The bigger surprise is how it even made it to the Year of Hell. The parish still had a passionate following, but the neighborhood just got so bad that no one ever wanted to go to mass there. I can’t say I blame them. The things this church has seen would probably make you %#^$&* your pants."

Why follow? Too sad, and I guess the other churches' stories are similar. But if you are interested, you may find the full article here:


The church when it wasn't yet "beyond salvation" (i.e. before 2013)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: America's most breathtaking abandoned churches
7/22/2014 7:43:02 PM
It is so very sad.
Philadelphia has huge community and poverty problems. The decline of a community is often worse than a community that has a long-term poverty problem.
As things deteriorate and work becomes scarce the despondency and sense of hopelessness grows. The tougher element turns to crime which increases in seriousness.
Only the hardened thugs really thrive and at the expense of all of the general public.
So very sad.
Parts of the USA are very scary places to live. So sad in a country that prides itself on freedom of opportunity.