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Can You Lose Weight With Green Tea?
6/1/2014 3:53:06 PM

Can You Lose Weight With Green Tea?

A TBYIL Exclusive by Matthew Denos, PhD

(The Best Years in Life) Green tea, one of the most popular beverages in Asian countries, has been regarded as a medicine and healthful beverage since ancient times. It was around 2700 BC when the legendary Chinese emperor, Shen Nung, discovered the detoxifying and health-maintaining effects of green tea. Since then it has been traditionally used for the prevention and treatment of a broad range of illnesses.

The earliest report that green tea has a weight loss promoting effect comes from the Chinese pharmacist Wang Ang (1615-1695) who observed that drinking tea for a long period of time can eliminate fat. Yet, it was not until 1995 when the systematic medical evaluation of green tea as anti-obesogenic agent began.Read More.

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