
JHM's World Full Service Company
4/17/2014 10:38:44 AM
Hi, my name is Jessica H. Michel from Cooper City, Florida. I am very unique, creative, and like to help the communities at large whenever I can. Please call only before 10 pm EST and after 6 am EST at 954 439 8340 for more info or to give advice, etc....

I am an educator, future entrepreneur, social media educator, and a humanitarian who wants to help in any way I can. So, I started a future idea/company called JHM's World Full Service Company. I want to help the homeless, poor, and other people in this world, including low income and middle class families. I am looking to network with people on a local and international scale to help get this business idea started. I live in Florida where there's about 500,000 unemployed people. Anyway,I wish to find people to support my business idea which will include joint venture, sponsorships, many fun activities, educational products and services, include the Chamber of Commerce, have a radio/tv show focusing on humanitarianism, Spirituality, and other good things that are positive.

I am wondering if you or anyone will know of people that could help me form a profit and non-profit company that will be international and maybe a franchise? I am still in process of writing a business plan. I have a business card design getting printed too.

Have a wonderful week, and I promise to help out wherever I can and maybe even partner with you. I work part time in social media....
Jessica H. Michel
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