
Devasish Gupta

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If your father did this, what would you do?
2/8/2014 2:11:33 PM
If your father did this, what would you do? Wayne Dyer was angry and with good reason...

Would you be as angry as Wayne Dyer was this day?

At the age of 34 Wayne Dyer drove to Biloxi, Mississippi to visit the grave of his father, an alcoholic and abusive man who had abandoned him, his mother and two brothers the day he was born.

Although he had died 10 years earlier, Wayne had only just found out about his death.

He drove to the grave that day with a level of anger so great, so deep from years of hurt built up, that he went there with two tasks in mind:

To find out if it was even acknowledged on his death certificate that Wayne was his son, and to literally "pee" on the grave of the father that he held all this hatred, anger and resentment towards for 34 years.

What came out of that visit however, completely and forever changed his life. It is one of the most beautiful stories you'll ever hear. It shares a message of forgiveness and it's power to transform that I think is truly life-changing and worth your time to listen to.

He tells this story, and much more, in this exclusive interview with Nick Ortner, conducted for the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit, which starts on February 24th:

Watch the Video: He was angry, and with good reason...

If you had been in Wayne's shoes, would you have been able to forgive?

Who do you have in YOUR life that you need to forgive?

How would it change your life to forgive and release any anger, resentment, hatred or other negative emotions that you carry, towards BOTH others as well as yourself? (Don't forget the forgiving yourself part!)

Most people today know Wayne Dyer for his best-selling books (having sold literally hundreds of millions of copies), his Public Broadcasting Station television specials, and his heart-warming and thought-provoking talks...

But do not know that up to that point in his life when he visited his father's grave, he was overweight, drinking heavily, and was as he describes himself, "Basically on an involuntary suicide mission."

But he was able to radically transform, through the power of forgiveness, and in this video, as well as the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit, you'll learn how to do the same, to radically improve the quality of your own life.

I hope you take a few minutes to watch this video, and I highly recommend attending the 10 day Tapping World Summit, which begins on February 24th.

This event has had over a million people attend it over the last 5 years. It is a huge, life-changing, no-cost event.

Watch Wayne Dier explain His anger here and find out more about the event:

I'll see you there!

P.S.- One of my favorite parts of the videos is Wayne's "plane story" where he came out of the bathroom on a plane covered in sweat from head to toe. It's hilarious and will having you laughing out loud. It's at about 20 minutes.

Make sure to check it out:

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