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John Partington

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The JP Award
1/4/2014 11:07:31 PM
I used to do this monthly with a prize awarded to the adlandpro member who had the most votes in the poll. Members could nominate one of their friends and they would go into the poll, please let me know if you would like to see it return or not by voting in the poll. Thanks.  
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Total Votes: 7

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Diane Bjorling

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RE: The JP Award
1/5/2014 3:44:33 AM
Hi John, I really appreciate the thought of doing this, but with the credit builder, I have a feeling that there might be too much of an overlap?

I of course will respect what others are saying as always..

John Partington

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RE: The JP Award
1/5/2014 4:47:41 PM
Hi John, I really appreciate the thought of doing this, but with the credit builder, I have a feeling that there might be too much of an overlap?

I of course will respect what others are saying as always..


Hi Diane,

Thanks for your post, I understand that the credit system for clicks is very good. I wonder if this could be done with the JP Award?

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Diane Bjorling

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RE: The JP Award
1/5/2014 4:54:09 PM
Good morning John :-)

The credit system is based on a set of filters and algorithms that Bogdan set up, so I have no idea.

I think one of the reasons I like the credit system is that it is impartial and not based on favoritism.

Everyone who is active on Adlandpro truly are awesome people, even if we do not see much of them or they are not in our particular "circles". I noticed in the past, that when we based everything on "liking a person" the dynamics of the site changed and it wasn't fun at all.

Again these are just my personal thoughts and maybe others will have a very different opinion.

Michael Caron

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RE: The JP Award
1/5/2014 11:22:37 PM
10_1_136.gifHi John,
I feel that anything that will help people become more active in our community should work. The JP Award should be able to bring out some people that normally don't participate in forums and by doing that might get them interested in other forums as well. I am all for it and would encourage others that may have some ideas to express them as well.
smogmeinichols3.jpgRemember, everyone is welcome in our forums.
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.

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