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Diane Bjorling

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Native American Teachings on Respect
12/30/2013 10:58:33 PM
Native American young people are taught by our Elders to respect Mother Earth, our families, our friends, our communities and all our relations. As I was growing up there were definite things that were appropriate ways to show respect and there were definite things that you did not do. What many people call common courtesy or etiquette.

In the recent past there has been a shift from emphasis on family and community to emphasis for what is best for the individual needs. As a result the individuals pleasure or gain becomes so important that respect for other individuals is set food for thought to help us check up on what we are doing and to remind us to teach our children and grandchildren about respect.

Dictionary meaning of respect: is to consider worthy of high regard :

1.) Most important is not interfering with others right to believe like they choose to believe.

2. Never intrude on someone who is taking a quiet moment or hasn't indicated it is okay to approach them.

3. If you walk up to someone you do not speak until they acknowledge you especially when they are talking to someone else.

4. If two people are talking do not walk between them unless it is impossible to get around them and then always excuse yourself when you do.

5. When you are talking to someone do not stand where people have to walk between you to get around you. Step out of the way to stand and speak to someone.

6. Speak in a soft voice especially when around elders.

7. When someone else is speaking listen to what they are saying. Do not be busy thinking about what you are going to say next when others are talking.

8. Do not interrupt anyone when they are speaking especially an Elder. Most Elders I know will quit speaking or teaching if they keep getting interrupted.

9. If you do not want to listen to someone do not put yourself in a position where you have to listen to them.

10. When at a gathering where elders are present do not speak unless asked to.

11. When you have guest always great them with respect. Give them the best place to sleep, the best blankets to use, and the best food.

12. We two-leggeds (humans) are the only ones that are out of balance with Mother Earth. Always strive to keep your life in balance as that is where true peace comes from.

13. Everything on Mother Earth is our relatives. Treat them with respect. If we were not here the plants and animals would be better off. If the plants and animals were not here we would die and could not exist. Remember who needs who.

14. When you hurt someone you hurt yourself, when you respect someone you respect yourself.

15. No matter what color a two-legged (human) is they have there own beauty. A rainbow is not beautiful because it is one color. A rainbow is beautiful because it has many colors. No matter what color someone is or what they look like they carry their own beauty.

16. There is no one you cannot learn something from as long as you treat them with respect. We learn from the little child and from the Elder. No matter what season someone is on the circle of life we can learn from them.

17. Today is your yesterday and today is your tomorrow. You can only live now but how you live now affects your tomorrow.

18. Walk in a good way today and tomorrow will be good.

19. If you are reading this you were given the breathe of life today and that is a wonderful gift. Many did not wake up today. Be grateful for another walking on Mother Earth and breathing the breathe of life.

20. Spend time each day saying thank you for the ones in your life and what you have.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Native American Teachings on Respect
12/31/2013 10:59:30 PM
Hi Diane,

I love this on respect. That is one thing wrong with our country, it is not showing respect. Changes are coming and I know this will be one of the changes. Respecting others. Like "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Diane Bjorling

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RE: Native American Teachings on Respect
12/31/2013 11:31:41 PM
I am truly glad that you liked this Myrna because I do everything I can to follow these rules..not always successfully I'm sorry to say!
I think we need to keep these "rules" "goals" "habits at the top of our lives instead of always sweeping them under a carpet.

Happy new year to you and yours...

Hi Diane,

I love this on respect. That is one thing wrong with our country, it is not showing respect. Changes are coming and I know this will be one of the changes. Respecting others. Like "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"


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