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Auctions Are Really Picking Up Steam
12/4/2013 5:38:57 PM

Auctions Are Really Picking Up Steam

Auctions are really picking up steam! Realtor Magazine’s November, 2013 issue has acknowledged that “auctions aren’t just for ugly properties anymore” and are singing the praises of auctions! Realtor Magazine said that private-owner auction sales have actually edged out REOs for the first time in 2012 and continue to pick up steam!...Read More

Clear As Glass, a Look At The Benefits of Auctions

I don’t care if you are selling some land in Huson, Montana or a grocery business in Ronan, Montana the clearest and most transparent way to buy or sell your property is by auction. Do you ever wonder when you get ready to put an offer on something, “What if...Read More

Open Houses Are a Useful Tool For Buyers. Don’t Pass it Up

When you are looking to buy a house, whether this is your first time or 10th, you always like to see inside and take a look around. This is a great way to envision your belongings in the home along with how you feel about the home. You will be able to see the neighborhood (if you don’t already live there) and the level of interest in the home as well...Read More

Develop Your Own Niche Market in Real Estate with Our Raleigh, NC Exec

Are you an experienced, committed and motivated agent/broker?

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Could your clients benefit from having their property sold within a relatively short period of time?

The fastest growing real estate auction company has created a...Read More

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