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Barb Doyle

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Recent news bites.
11/15/2013 11:19:17 PM

Below are some recent news items you might find

Independent studies show that cell phones are linked to brain tumors, autism, low sperm count, altered DNA, and birth defects. Insurers have stopped covering cell phone manufacturers for public health claims and call them the next casualty catastrophe after cigarettes and asbestos. France is removing WiFi from schools, and other countries are stopping the sale of cell phones to children. In the US, Obama appointed the industry's chief lobbyist as the head of the FCC, the agency that regulates cell phone usage.

The UN International Monetary Fund is proposing a 10% tax for households with ‘positive net wealth’ - meaning savings, retirement accounts, or home equity. It also proposes escalating income and consumption tax increases, culminating in the direct confiscation of assets. This is in addition to whatever taxes are applied by national and local governments.

Whistleblower reveals how Ranbaxy, a giant drug company in India, has faked scientific and quality-control data related to drugs sold in the US market. At the same time Ranbaxy was under investigation for criminal activity that led to its conviction on seven felonies, the FDA approved the importation of a drug-equivalent of Lipitor, one of the biggest-selling drugs of all time. Can anyone smell the stench of bribery?

Common Core, the US federal education program, was blasted for sneaking collectivist politics into elementary school lessons. An example is a grammar lesson that states: ‘Government officials' demands must be obeyed by all’. Blasted or not, nothing will change as long as collectivists are in control of the government.

Direct Orders is a video documentary about US military personnel who were ordered to take Anthrax vaccines. If they refused, they faced court martial, fines, and prison time. More than 100,000 military veterans have been crippled or killed by the vaccine that is the real cause of Gulf War Syndrome.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

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view is the rear end in front of you. That's what you get to look
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sick and tired of looking at someone elses behind then we can
help you change the view.
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Recent news bites.
11/15/2013 11:23:16 PM
Hi Barb
Funny how France is removing WiFi from schools and in Canada they are increasing in numbers to the point that having a cell phone, tablet or IPod is required to go to sure makes one wonder!

This is a great post Barb..thanks for sharing and lots of food for thought~
