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Lawrence Bergfeld

381 Posts
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Think Your Way To Success Today
10/30/2013 9:46:15 PM
"The main thing about Chapter 1 is that we have to THINK that we are successful before we are actually successful. Our thoughts matter NOTHING else. Edwin Barnes was the only person in the Edison organization that thought the machine could be sold. The other people did not. He was the early bird who got the worm! He took action because he knew that if he left money on the table the opportunity would go to someone else.

We must DO what he did, we are in control of our actions, BUT we have no control over results. We are looking for the horses that voluntarily drink water!! NOT the ones whom we have to make drink!

Lets Go!"

Lawrence Bergfeld
PS: Be A Mentor With A Servants Heart Lawrence Bergfeld 917-399-6207