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Heidi Scoats

158 Posts
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Testimony from Kelly
10/3/2013 10:25:38 PM

Kelly says ~ I Love my PINK DRINK..... My story starts way back there when I was younger, I have always been over weight, And since I have gotten older and have had a full hystorectomy and my hormones have been null and void, which has only added to my weight, Not to mention I have had several surgerys for Gaulbladder and appendix, and both children C-section. I was to the point that I was going to go see a weight Dr. about surgery, and a close friend of mine had heard what I was willing to do to get my life back, they asked me out to dinner, and spoke to me openly about what I was going threw, And asked If I would be willing to try something for one month and if it for some reason did not work for me, they would stand behind me to have surgery, but the cathc was I didnt want to have the surgery I was just so sick of carrying all this extra weight, So long story short, they gave me a 30 days trial of the Slim and Accelerator, along with the Bio5 and Cleanes. I was amazed at the taste of the drink, It was so good, which only made it even easier to stick with it, I never bothered to weigh or anything, and then as time has passed I saw the results and Here I am today 28 pounds Lighter and over 18 inches over al lost... And my story is still going. I thank the Good Lord above and amazing friends that cared enough to introduse me to it. I will never look back... Here are my Before Pics and my Now pictures. You are more than welcome to share....... I am now a Happy Nana to a one year old Baby Gilr, that I can play with, Thank You Plexus for giving me my life BACK!!!