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How to create adsense account directly approved in just 2 hours
8/31/2013 3:09:54 PM
Google Adsense is a PPC program is on offer Google for blog or website owners to display relevant ads on your blog or website and a blog or website owner will get paid from Google for each ad clicked by visitors. For additional information must first register using Google Adsense blogs or websites that use English as the primary language. If we are diligent in menekuninya then this will be a source of additional income for the family, even some Indonesian adsense publisher (publisher: designation for blog or website owners that show AdSense ads) that can earn thousands of dollars a month from this program.

How do I sign up for Google Adsense?

Have a Google account and create a blog in blogger / blogspot.
First you must have a Google account, then create a blog or website that contains specific content that you think is interesting to discuss, I suggest using blogger / blogspot, because as one of Google's products will have added value and special consideration in the registration process Adsense account.

Post with original content and quality.
Make regular posts, if possible every day, I really liked the original and new posts not just quality coffee-paste, allowed to use Indonesian as it now has support Adsense Google Adsense Indonesian, Indonesian use a good and true. After posting quite a lot, at least 8 to 10 blog posts you've already registered with Google's Adsense program.

List of Google Adsense
How to sign up for Google Adsense can be directly from the blog, if you are using blogger / blogspot blogspot search through the dashboard monetize tab. Or you can also go directly to the page of the Google Adsense click APPLY NOW in the upper right corner, follow the prompts and enter your blog URL address that you just created, for example Fill in your personal data to the original identity because this is the data that will be used by Google in the payment of your Adsense earnings. Once the application process is complete wait 48 hours then you will be notified via e-mail that the submission of your Adsense account is accepted or rejected. More details, please visit the AdSense Help.

By having a Google Adsense account you can begin to earn additional income through the Internet that can help manambah income families. Next you just maintains maximum your blog in order to get traffic / visitors by way of Search Engine Optimization or commonly called SEO for your blog to appear on the first page SERP (Search Engine Result Page).
Good luck, hopefully this article is going to useful for u.
