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Luella May

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How to stop heart attacks and irregular heart beats in their tracks
6/6/2013 6:21:20 PM

How to stop heart attacks and irregular heart beats in their tracks

by Tony Isaacs

The Best Years in Life) Each year, 1.5 million heart attacks occur in the United States resulting in over 500,000 deaths. Another common, though usually less fatal, cardiovascular problem is irregular heart beat. Though irregular heart beats are not as serious as heart attacks in most instances, they can lead to serious complications if not treated. The good news is that nature has a potent herbal solution for each condition which will usually stop them in their tracks in short order. Read More.

Nerium AD, breakthrough in skin care The Best Years in Life, a website for those who want to live healthy and happy lives
Hafiz 2013

791 Posts
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RE: How to stop heart attacks and irregular heart beats in their tracks
6/6/2013 6:37:30 PM
Thanks for sharing an important issue. Heart attack is an medical emergency and need prompt attention to save the life. Nice to know about the utility Cayenne pepper . But in hospital we use Drugs but not this herbals. However, it can be used in other facilities where drugs are not available.

How to stop heart attacks and irregular heart beats in their tracks

by Tony Isaacs

The Best Years in Life) Each year, 1.5 million heart attacks occur in the United States resulting in over 500,000 deaths. Another common, though usually less fatal, cardiovascular problem is irregular heart beat. Though irregular heart beats are not as serious as heart attacks in most instances, they can lead to serious complications if not treated. The good news is that nature has a potent herbal solution for each condition which will usually stop them in their tracks in short order. Read More.

Luella May

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RE: How to stop heart attacks and irregular heart beats in their tracks
6/7/2013 12:34:39 AM
Hiafiz, I take cayenne pepper daily for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. Although, cayenne pepper will stop a heart attack in less than a minute. I'd rather not be put in that position. Best to keep your heart healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you for your input.

My Best,
Nerium AD, breakthrough in skin care The Best Years in Life, a website for those who want to live healthy and happy lives