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Tracking your Advertising
5/31/2013 3:24:11 PM
I cannot stress enough the importance of tracking your ads. If you don't know how your ads are performing, how will you know where you need to focus, change or drop a particular ad or venue?

This thread is open to everyone with thoughts, ideas, practices and strategies for tracking advertising.

David Weed President,
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Tracking your Advertising
5/31/2013 3:57:15 PM
A great start to an important topic :-) Looking forward to people sharing so that we can all learn and help each other...yay!
Dave Cottrell

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RE: Tracking your Advertising
5/31/2013 5:12:37 PM
I remember when that company, "Track That Ad," came out.

I guess they are gone, now, but the idea of tracking your advertising is still of utmost importance to anyone doing it.

"How did you hear about us?" is as relevant, today, as it was in the days long before the internet. Thankfully, we now have tracking software, so there really is no excuse not to know how your ads are performing, at least online.

Good thread, David. Thank you.

RE: Tracking your Advertising
6/1/2013 9:07:47 PM
Probably the single largest benefit of having your own site, not an affiliate site, but your own real live site. is the ability to create "track-able" links.

I know there are dozens of programs, widgets, scripts and lord knows what else that will make any link you place for your site "track-able". YOU can spend all you want to on those products. But today I am going show you a simple little trick that will allow you to track any ad or any resource bringing traffic to your site and it won't cost you a penny.
This will show up in just about every "tracking" report from any web host. If your webhost is using CPanel, Plex or even some proprietary system you will still be able to find this easily. It shows up in Google Analytics too!

Very simply all you need to do is add ?sometextornumbers to the end of your sites URL.
For example; let's say that I want to place a link to my website here at ALP and track the results. ALL I need to do is make my link look like this
Then when I look at my traffic stats I can look for in the referrers list and know how many people clicked that link and went to my site.
YOU can use any combination of letters and or numbers for the tracking code. They can be as long as you want or as short as you want. They can be all numbers or all letters.
If you have Cpanel hosting try setting up some links like this. you will be able to see them in all of the tracking stats programs available with CPanel. If you don't have CPanel, try it anyway! You'll be surprised and probably have to spend a day or two retooling all your links to include tracking info.

Have Fun!
David Weed President,
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Tracking your Advertising
6/4/2013 1:39:58 PM
I finally had a bit of time to air my thoughts on the importance of tracking your ads!

I cannot stress enough the importance of tracking your ads. If you don't know how your ads are performing, how will you know where you need to focus, change or drop a particular ad or venue?

This thread is open to everyone with thoughts, ideas, practices and strategies for tracking advertising.

I feel that for many people understanding why you need to track your advertising and now a days your online presence, is important to see if what you are doing is effective. Many people just do things without really thinking about what they are doing and then wonder where they are going wrong or why no one is listening to them.

I read a saying that makes perfect sense and was used by radio and print advertisers " You know that half your advertising isn't working for you- you just don't know which half"

Learning about tracking to me helps me target what I am doing so that I can reach the "right" people and to break that thought down further it helps me answer the questions of

1 age and gender of a person clicking
2.what device are they using of the week or time when something is clicked

I can then fine tune what I am doing so that I can reach the people I need to see.

For people who are new to online marketing,understanding these concepts needs to be done before you can get to step 2...HOW to track what you are doing and there are many ways to accomplish this important task.