
Check this out - Rippln
4/15/2013 7:24:16 PM
Watch this short 2:24 minute video:

If you want an invitation, follow these steps...

If you like what you see message me send an email to with the following information (I must have all this information):

  1. Your First and Last Name
  2. Your Email Address
  3. Your Cell Phone Number

I have a limited number of people that I can invite at a time, so when you get an invitation from me make sure you respond to it quickly or else the invitation will expire.

Here are some things for you to consider:

  • There is NO $$ for you to check this out!
  • This does NOT compete with your others businesses!
  • This will compliment your others businesses!
If someone wants to pay me over $10,000 a month to share Inspired Living, something I so totally believe in because they work to empower people, I figure I should let them. The fact that it only costs $10 means everyone in the world can do it!
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RE: Check this out - Rippln
4/17/2013 10:47:47 PM
Is this anything like iLA?
Finally EVERYONE is getting paid...
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RE: Check this out - Rippln
4/17/2013 11:36:38 PM
Actually it's suppose to be more like Facebook.
With this being new and won’t roll out to the public until May – right now it is just getting your place in position or being put in the genealogy. No money is needed today. There will be more about the fees later when it goes live.

Once I get your name, email and cell phone added to the system – you will get a email and a text message with a code. ACTIVATE the code ASAP. Because it will expire in 24 hours, plus I can not add any one else new in until your code has been activated in the system. I can only add 5 codes at a time. So please make sure you activate – and if you need to watch the video’s later that is ok.

I have people standing in line to get in (that is NO joke!) Right now it may take up to 7-10 hours for me to get your code to you VIA SMS to your phone because of my waiting list.

We all know mobile marketing is huge. We’ve all known this for awhile.

But if you were like me, you probably had no idea HOW HUGE it is, and even more so, you probably don’t have the slightest idea where to begin as far as incorporating mobile marketing into YOUR business.

But if there’s one thing I realized more than anything, it’s that mobile marketing is no longer an option, it’s mandatory.

And marketing campaigns that do not include mobile in the very near future, are going to FAIL.

This is growing like crazy. This email just came from HQ: "The past 72 hours since Rippln went live has been crazy. Since we "unveiled" the ripple for the first time, we've had exactly 57,000 people join in 183 countries around the world...

And it's growing fast... "

Send me name email and cell to get your invitation sent to you.

Linda Shute

If someone wants to pay me over $10,000 a month to share Inspired Living, something I so totally believe in because they work to empower people, I figure I should let them. The fact that it only costs $10 means everyone in the world can do it!
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