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Diane Bjorling

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Lose the Mask - Be REAL
1/6/2013 6:30:16 PM
Be Real and Be Authentic| Use a REAL Image of yourself|AdlandPro

When you go to any social outlet, what is the first thing you do? Hopefully the answer will be to fill in your profile completely and while we do some of the steps, there is one step that many people forget to do - their image - their Avatar!

While reading Bogdan's blog post today ( did you know he is becoming a blog author? You really should follow him as he is passing on good information) He talked about being authentic and without giving it all away you should go to his post ( it is short but powerful) AdlandPro| Be Authentic, I recalled another post I read where the topic was on social marketing and 5 steps to becoming a better social media marketer and the issue of profile images is mentioned. Sté Kerwer also had other good points about social marketing that you should also read as they will help you, so be sure to read the full post!

Introduce Yourself Via Your Profile
Most serious social network users will not connect with you unless you have a “real” profile, including a picture of yourself. They want to see that they’re connecting with a real person, not some phony internet marketing spammer. Make yourself look even more professional with a custom Twitter background or a header for your Facebook fan page. Seriously? If you’re not going to take the time to fill out a complete profile, you might as well not even waste your time.

For some of you reading this passage, you might be offended by being associated with spamming,but the fact is we are living in a digital society where being authentic, being real,being reputable is more important than ever before.

While this passage talks about Twitter, Facebook etc. the reality is that the same thoughts applies no matter where you go and that includes AdlandPro!

what Imager are You Using to say that you are REAL|AdlandPro

What image are you using to say that you are REAL?

Bonus: when choosing images using a tool like TinyEye, can help you find images that are safe (er) to use. TinEye is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks.
Mr. D

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RE: Lose the Mask - Be REAL
1/6/2013 8:49:30 PM

I think this message has some additions that could added if I may.

Being social, networking, sharing of ideas, advertising, marketing, and being

involved with many different media sites not all fit into the same marketing

arena and not all networks are build with the same designs and focus points.

Like for example this site with AdlandPro.

I openly show my real self, what I do HERE, (mind you that is Here) what my thoughts are, and what I like doing in my spare time as a playground sort of network. This site to me is all about helping and trying to build a central location for doing so, and to do a little branding with designing, graphics, and a few other little things. I brand myself as a real person

in networks where there is a community driven platform to work with.

I use networks to show other parts of interest in my life and what I am good at or

just like doing. I also use other networks and media to do other branding

where my pretty face is not the main reason or necessary. I may be branding

in other networks with a business logo or header design. I may be branding on music sites that I use a musical logo with my brand name and design. Point being, not all networks are built the same way and not all profiles have the same picture, logo, or avatar.

Another thing that comes to mind and this may sound a little offensive but the old saying "Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover" has more meaning then we may admit to.

Yes, we all at time will judge a person by the way they look, by their picture.

There are peoples profiles out there that scare the crap out of me or are very offensive. No really, some look like they are straight out of

Americas Most Wanted, or they fit the profile of an International Terrorist Group.

OK, so I am a little dramatic with this one but how many times have you not added a friend, or connection because of how they looked?

Not all of us want to show what we really look like, and still want to be known as

a real person.

Disclaimer: I am only writing this way as the mood I am in right now.

Tomorrow may be a different day and will not hold any responsibilities

to any claims made by or mentioned in this posting.

Diane Bjorling

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RE: Lose the Mask - Be REAL
1/6/2013 9:37:18 PM

Disclaimer: I am only writing this way as the mood I am in right now.

Tomorrow may be a different day and will not hold any responsibilities

to any claims made by or mentioned in this posting.

Thanks Mark for the disclaimer...I love it!

I want to also thank you for coming in and stating your point of view, which regardless of the day is important.

I am in agreement that you have to "fit in" with where you are but I also feel that the importance is that with an image ( some kind of image) you are grabbing real estate that should not be overlooked.

I remember when G+ was in its infancy people were complaining like crazy about people no avatars and even pseudonyms, which thankfully has been solved.

The reality and taking a lesson from G+ is that for some people to put their name or image out there could have disastrous consequences for a number of reasons ( abused people, people who are being persecuted etc.) so what is a person to do?

I have a friend who will not put his picture out there, his privacy is very important, but he is a blogger and into social media ( which is very public)so his way of dealing with it was to take an image and photoshop it to make him unique... I can tell you that no matter where he is on the net, he is very recognizable. His image has made him some very valuable real estate btw and that is just a fact.

Here is his avatar and his name is BlogBloke

Image of BlogBloke

Being authentic and real means taking into consideration that some kind of image is better than this!

Do you want to be known as a real person? Use a real image and take advantage of this valuable real estate|AdlandPro

When it comes to marketing especially internet marketing, I feel that it is even more important that you have an image that is recognizable in some way and will make an ordinary or "spammy" profile into a fantastic social media presence.

The sad reality is that far too many people come online to work and they do not know the first steps to learning how to do things properly, which means such things as learning how to create a "wow" profile and putting up an image and that is what this is all about..teaching people how to do things :-)

Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: Lose the Mask - Be REAL
1/7/2013 11:16:59 AM

I thought you might get a kick out of the disclaimer as you have a

sense of humor.

Any yes, you are right. Anything as far as building your profile,

and online reputation with some sort of image, graphic, logo, built avatar, is by far,

better then a blank face, or question mark.
