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Dave Cottrell

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Hi Buy My Crap
12/14/2012 8:40:39 PM

It never ceases to amaze me how folks think they are going to have ANY kind of success in online business when the first thing out of their virtual mouth (ie, in response to a connection request on ANY social network) is... "Hi buy my crap!"

Note that there is not even a comma after "hi." There's no pause, no smile, no recognition of another human being, but it's said all in one breath, "Hi buy my crap."

And sorry, folks, if that word offends some, but it's better than the choice of word that some people would use, and it is an apt description of almost all, IF NOT ALL, products, services or schemes that are offered to me this way.


Folks, I write, not just to make myself feel better or to blow my own horn, but to do my best to help people in life and in business.


If you get "Hi buy my crap," in an email, forum post or phone call, don't go there. Trust me from more than thirty years of marketing, IT IS NO GOOD!

If the person approaching you is trained so badly that they use this approach on you, ask yourself how good the "company" that let's this kind of marketing represent them really is.

I would SCREAM if I found out someone was marketing my product or service this way! They are REPRESENTING my company. I do not want my company being tarred with such a dirty brush and would kick that person out fast than they can spell "crap."

If any company allows themselves to be marketed in such an unprofessional, unproductive, unpleasant and impolite way, ignore it. Don't even read the first page. Even if it is from your best friend and you want to help them by examining what they're doing, don't go there. Tell them it's not worth their time or yours to be involved with a company that teaches that kind of marketing.

I have just spent some time updating my profile and answering mail on a very prominent and respected social site for professionals that I belong to, and have had several of these extremely unprofessional messages sent to me by people I have only just met.

Silly me, I have answered them, when I probably should have simply deleted them... but... how did I answer? "Hello, ___________, How about "Hi, nice to meet you?" I hope they get the message.

God bless,


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Hi Buy My Crap
12/14/2012 9:29:14 PM


I know just what you mean.

The sad thing about this is that many of those who do this, don't realise that they are pedalling crap anyway. So many are just sucked-in and then mass-mail using the rubbish provided by so called businesses, all with the aim of parting people from their money.

There are MILLIONS of real opportunities on the internet but VERY FEW are wrapped in business packages. Real opportunities are just like they always were. Hard to find and involving real people who work hard and have A PRODUCT or service that people actually want or need.

Simple really.


Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Hi Buy My Crap
12/14/2012 9:36:52 PM

Hi Dave & Roger,

Know what's worse? When there are good businesses with quality services/products and the sellers never study what they are selling, and they use the "buy my crap" method to promote, and that really takes away from any actual quality business they may be in.

I recently talked to someone who quit a biz he was in with me, and insisted the business and owner and products were crap, and I told him, the business and owner and products are high quality, and that person was taken aback, surprised, and realized he had NOT put in the study to find out for himself.

People really need to study to find out if something is crap or quality, put in the time & effort before joining a business, and when they are IN a business, to seriously look at it, use the products/services, and not just promote crap, and not promote quality as crap either.

Dave Cottrell

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RE: Hi Buy My Crap
12/15/2012 12:42:16 AM
Roger and Kathleen,

You are both correct.

A bad product is a bad product, no matter what, and when it is marketed by bad marketers, it really doesn't do anything either way. Smart marketers will avoid it and bad marketers can't market, anyway.

But yes, when a good product of service is marketed like this, it brings it down in a hurry, which is why I would quickly get rid of anyone promoting one of my own products this way.

Thanks for the comments.

God bless,
