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It is Time to Congratulate Jim Allen III, Winner of the 348TH POTW Award
11/24/2012 5:59:30 PM

Congratulations goes out to Jim Allen III
Jim Allen III

When I start talking to folks about me, which is rare, I am quite tight lipped and I am my own worst critic and enemy. Be glad you have not been party to one of my own personal critiques. I know that I have a long way to go yet.

To best describe my early days, this video and song from "Bucky Covington" pretty much covers those days.

Fast Forward to the present ======>>

I have been married to Pam, for 28 years. We have 2 boys, Cody 20 and Justin 27. My namesake James M. Allen IV is 28, he is from a previous marriage and he is married and builds Demolition Derby cars and is a competitive weightlifter.

Folks, I make no bones about it: If not for Pam, I probably would have continued on my personal path to self destruction. I tell my boys to find a Good Woman and stick to her like glue. I have.

I have 30 years experience ranging from restaurant management, ( I was personally trained by Ray Danner, Shoney's Incorporated Founder), Direct Sales Agent/manager/trainer, mostly in the Home Improvements market. Ranging from your floors n doors, to your windows and AC systems and how they can save you money on energy costs.
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You might say I have been Green a long time.

I also believe the 2nd greatest book ever written is "Think
and Grow Rich" and 3rd is "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". Like the
"Bible" you should read them over and over again. You do
learn something new every time you do.

I came online in 1999, and . I have 12 years of
learning how, making mistakes, failure and being a success, experiences that you are welcome to tap into.

I hope you accept my invite to "My
Next Thirty Years
" of life, as we continue to aspire to
greater heights.


Jim Allen III


Telemedicine is the wave of the future.

My Set of Contact Management Tools are ELITE

Diane Bjorling

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RE: It is Time to Congratulate Jim Allen III, Winner of the 348TH POTW Award
11/24/2012 6:13:11 PM
First off a hearty congratulations on winning the POTW.... as the saying goes ( but I mean it) this is a well deserved recognition for everything you have been doing on and for Adland!

I truly relate to your words " When I start talking to folks about me, which is rare, I am quite tight lipped and I am my own worst critic and enemy" and to me the lesson to be learned is takes courage in many ways to put yourself out there to brand yourself and to be social at the risk of any and all possible consequences.

I hope that your week is a good one, that you enjoy your time as the POTW and that many people will come here to say hi and get to know you even more than they do now.

Take care and have fun!

Best Regards to you

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: It is Time to Congratulate Jim Allen III, Winner of the 348TH POTW Award
11/24/2012 6:38:20 PM
Congratulations Jim,

It was tough competition to beat. Enjoy your week.
My dog dressed up for you today. He is tough cookie too.


Jo Matthias

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RE: It is Time to Congratulate Jim Allen III, Winner of the 348TH POTW Award
11/24/2012 6:41:18 PM

Have a wonderful and blessed week!

Take care,
VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Diane Bjorling

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RE: It is Time to Congratulate Jim Allen III, Winner of the 348TH POTW Award
11/24/2012 6:52:27 PM
lol.... Sorry Bogdan, but I could not resist.... I have pinned your dog on Pinterest... very cool

oops...sorry Jim for posting this here, but it seemed like a good idea at the time!


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