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Carl Haavaldsen

825 Posts
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Make $1000's Weekly with Google Hangouts
10/30/2012 2:37:15 PM
Make $500 - $1000 a week part time

How is this possible?

It's very simple, 100% commissions, something that is not paid in the industry and that is why the majority of poeple never make any half decent money online.

When you make a 100% commission, that means you break even on your first referral, they make 100% of their first referral and so on.

That's how you create success!

With a simple $25 startup, you can make $25 and $100 residual commissions, these add up fast and create a very serious residual income very quickly.

On top of that, you can make $500, $1000 and even $3500 one time payments as you progressively build your business.

One thing I need to make clear, there is no matrix to build. This is huge!

So what is the company I'm talking about?

It's Empower Network!

Now, you may have heard of it and all the hype and misguided info but let me tell you this.

I am a 32 year veteran in this industry, there isn't much I haven't seen but what I have seen in this program is one that pays you what your worth.

Most programs will have you build their business, then pay you what your worth.

I don't know about you, but I like to be paid what I'm worth right from the start.

Empower Network is creating 1000's of mid to high 4 figure a month members, 100's making 5 figures a month and even a few making 6 figures a month.

How are they doing this from a $25 entry?

$16 Million in commissions paid out so far in just 11 months.

People are joining this program more now than when they first started, Why?

100% commissions, extreme business education and just plain simple.

Want to know exactly why and how it is growing so fast?

Come to our hangout today, Oct 26th, at 3:00pm EST in our Google hangout!

If you are not yet setup for Google+, follow these instructions:

!. Setup a Google account if you have not already done so
2. Click on +You in top left corner of your menu
3. Add a photo (important for you when marketing)
4. Click upgrade in bottom right corner and follow the rest of the instructions
5. Then add me to your circle
6. Then install this plugin:

Once you are setup, add me to your circle and I will add you

Then check your Google back office for invite between 2:30-3:00pm EST

Learn How Average People Are Making Above Average Incomes Online!

The perfect platform to market all your businesses and make a serious additional income.

Want more info, go to

Come to our hangout today, Oct 30th, at 3:00pm EST in our Google hangout!

Relax, Listen in, ask questions and just have some fun!

I'll be doing a Google Hangouts daily at 3:00pm EST to talk about that and other things in the industry.

Come chill out with us!

Carl Haavaldsen Skype: rmcglobal

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