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Alain Deguire

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Set Yourself FREE!!!
8/12/2012 6:39:36 PM

Hello Dear Friends!

I just read this OUTSTANDING ARTICLE and thought it was CRUCIAL to Post it Here for as many people as possible to READ! Especially if you feel that you are somewhat being Stucked financially, into your relationships or in relation to authority. There is only one word to describe this article... WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Set Yourself Free
by Owen K Waters

Back in the Middle Ages in Europe, the popular path towards spirituality was to become a monk or a nun. Monasteries and convents were well funded as their local populations were compelled by law to, not only attend church on Sundays, but also to donate 10 percent of their incomes to the church.

Monks and nuns took vows which relieved them of the distractions of having to make a living. They took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Freed from the distractions of laboring for pay or supporting a family, they were able to pass many hours per day in worship and contemplation. The obedience part of the vow was thrown in for good measure because it suited those in charge.

The problem is that, once a vow is taken, it becomes stored in your subconscious mind which, unlike your physical brain, lives on after death and reincarnates with your spirit into each new life.

If you are struggling today with money issues, close relationships, or you feel a lack of the initiative that could solve your problems, you probably took a vow of poverty, chastity and obedience in a past life. Such vows seemed like a good idea at the time but, because reincarnation was banned from the teachings of the Bible, no one realized what trouble this would cause in future lives.

Such vows were taken with no expiration date. There was no “until death do us part” type of clause included, so these individuals’ subconscious minds faithfully recorded the vows as obligations which would continue until further notice. Today, you might be struggling to pay bills and wanting to create prosperity in your life to end the struggle. But if you have a subconscious blockage that says, “Must not have money” or “Money is bad,” then the blockage will prevail and you’ll continue to struggle.

From a neutral, detached point of view, it is obvious that money, which is just another form of energy, can’t actually be “bad”any more than electricity is bad. Functionally, money is no more than the currency of personal energy. It represents the work you’ve done and your ability to pay for the work of others to supply your needs. If you have a mental block about money, then perhaps it’s time to stop suffering and kick out the block!

While the poverty part of the vow will produce financial hardship, the chastity part will make relationships unfulfilling. The obedience part leads to a belief that people who have gained positions of authority know best. This self-denying stance is no longer appropriate in today’s world, as these are the days when the Spiritual Age is emerging. Today, we live in a self-empowered age which calls for individual mastery of life, not the blind following of anyone who claims to know best. They rarely do.

There is one expert in this world who knows what’s really best for you and you see that person every time you look in the mirror! Look into the reflection of your eyes – the windows of the soul– and ask for the eternal wisdom that lies within you to come forth. You already know the answer to every personal challenge. Just give your conscious mind permission to hear that inner wisdom.

Sooner or later, all obsolete vows need to be released in order to set yourself free from the invisible chains of self-imposed limitation. Any vows taken in past lives with no expiration date are typically inappropriate in the way they affect later lives. The circumstances that made a past life vow appropriate at the time no longer exist because every life is a different adventure in a different setting.

In order to develop your own potential, you need to be free of obsolete, past-life obligations. Only you can develop your potential. No one else can do it for you. This life is your adventure and it is your time to either grow to realize your true potential or to be hobbled continually by blockages that slow everything down.

If you suspect that your subconscious mind may be harboring inappropriate vows, you can release them quite simply by conscious effort. Here’s how to set yourself free with your own personal Declaration of Independence:

Enter a quiet state and make this necessary and long-overdue statement:

“I now renounce and release all vows that I have taken which have outlived their purposes and which now limit my potential for growth. I reclaim my personal freedom and declare such vows renounced and released as of now. I replace old vows with the knowing that I am loved and that I am Love.”

For best effect, repeat it two or more times, adding feeling and meaning each time. Continue to revisit the statement until you feel truly liberated and able to move forward to grow and naturally prosper in these, the dawning days of The Spiritual Age.

Set your friends free! Forward this email and let them know how to release hidden limitations.

This material was excerpted from Owen Waters’ book, “Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality,” which is available in paperbackand as a downloadable e-book.

**OUT OF PRINT: The printed version of this book is nearing the end of its availability. Act now to secure a copy before it goes out of print – click here.


My Personal Goal is to HELP as many people as possible WORLDWIDE to Become FREE, financially or otherwise and to be able to get out of the usual "rat race". This article is a Gift to Me from the Divine to Help Me Help YOU!

Love & Blessings to all of YOU!


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Set Yourself FREE!!!
8/12/2012 9:43:48 PM
HI Alain,

Great article. Have you noticed lately all the talk about MIND CONTROL? Like anything else we need to work through these things. Thanks for the advise.

Alain Deguire

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RE: Set Yourself FREE!!!
8/12/2012 10:06:49 PM

Hello Myrna!

Good to see You!

YES!!! There is lots of work being done actually for transforming our humanity in one way or another... That is so great!

Have a wonderful week!



Jill Bachman

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RE: Set Yourself FREE!!!
8/13/2012 2:13:30 AM
Hi Alain,

This is soooooooooooooo cool and I remember reading it years ago. I love Owen Waters!

Thank you for sharing this now because it is even more meaningful right now that it was before. I suspect God intended it that way as a reward to our learning abundance lately!

It sure is good to see you and I have missed you! Please put more links on the mountain like this because then I am sure to come for a visit. One day soon I shall find myself again. lol

Bigs Hugs, Jill
Alain Deguire

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RE: Set Yourself FREE!!!
8/13/2012 11:08:25 AM

Hi Dear Jill!

This is great to see You My Friend!

More people are certainly ready for this message Today than years ago.

It is all part of our awakening and freeing process.

And, it is also so great to see all of this actually unrolling in a completely unpredicted way!

We are all on our way to find ourselves back My Friend... no worries!

And, we'll all get there in due time it seems ;-)

Have a wonderful day and Thank You for your visit and comment.




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