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Can Pinterest Really Help Me With SEO and Traffic?
7/15/2012 10:37:54 AM
Staying on top of Social Media can be a bit difficult and time consuming. It seems like every day a new social media site appears! It can make any small business owner shake their head in disbelief and wonder how they will ever learn this one!

Who’s got that kind of time?
And the newest social media site to hit the market is Pinterest. This is an awesome site and for a few extra minutes a day, you can expand your reach to new potential customers and build your online brand even further.

One of the best resources I have found to get over this learning curve is NonStoPinterest. It’s a comprehensive guide on how you can get into Pinterest, how to pin, what to pin and a lot of secrets of successful pinning!!5tf

If you're just checking out the site for the first time you’ll see it is full of wonderful, interesting pictures; literally, all over the place. Like a virtual dream board! Essentially this is what the site is. An entire site of great pictures and images linking back to the sources and companies that pinned that picture!

What does this mean for you?
More exposure for you and your business! More exposure is always a good thing!! And... it means that with some creative skills you can easily captivate an entirely untapped market. All you need to do is figure out what pictures best represent your company and go from there.

We're not talking run of the mill boring pictures. In order to best benefit from the site you really need to have the pictures that make people stop and go “awww” or “I have got to have that!”.

Once you've gotten a batch of pictures that match that criteria, all you have to do is start pinning them to your own boards and then those who follow you (much like friends on Facebook) can take your pictures and repin them to their own boards and the viral effect of Pinterest can take place. Each and every time your picture is pinned and repinned you gain yet another link back to your website, your business and another link to new potential customers.

But don’t go hog wild pinning without knowing the secrets! Get informed first and foremost and grab a copy of NonStoPinterest BEFORE you start pinning and maximize your pinning presence on Pinterest!

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